
Clinical manifestations of interstitial nephritis

Interstitial nephritis is a kidney disease, a clinical syndrome, daily life, people will always get sick eating whole grains, so usually know more about the knowledge of some diseases can help us prevent disease, and more to increase knowledge, broaden their horizons. So for renal interstitial nephritis this strange name we also need to know more about, what is the clinical manifestations of interstitial nephritis Here we take a look at it?:
The disease is clinically divided into acute and chronic two types.
Acute interstitial nephritis
Because different causes of acute interstitial nephritis, clinical manifestations vary, no specificity. The main outstanding performance for oliguric or non-oliguric acute renal failure, may be accompanied by fatigue, weakness, fever and joint pain and other non-specific performance. Loss of renal tubular function may appear low specific gravity and low urine osmolality, tubular proteinuria and water, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, some patients showed Fanconi syndrome.
Drug-related acute interstitial nephritis is often more typical course: After using the causative drugs appear several days or weeks renal damage, urine output may decrease or no change, urine abnormality, some accompanied by gross hematuria, no bacterial leukocytes in urine, back pain, high blood pressure and edema generally no, often accompanied by systemic allergy symptoms such as fever, rash, eosinophilia triad, the majority of patients with nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Clinical manifestations of acute interstitial nephritis caused by different drugs are not exactly the same. Some patients even if the original tolerance for certain drugs, the drug can be used again acute interstitial nephritis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced acute interstitial nephritis can occur proteinuria.
Correlation between infection in patients with acute interstitial nephritis is usually accompanied by signs of infection, such as fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting and even sepsis performance, and even symptoms may be associated with other organ systems, such as pneumonia, myocarditis, liver damage. Where acute pyelonephritis complicated renal infection is most common. Most renal parenchymal infection secondary to bacterial infection of the urethra and bladder, and its clinical manifestations are diverse, ranging from mild discomfort to sepsis symptoms may occur: more abrupt onset, often with chills, fever, ribs, spine angle tenderness, urinary tract irritation and other symptoms. Atypical cases as fatigue, back pain, weight loss, recurrent cystitis (dysuria, urinary frequency, urgency, suprapubic pain) and so on. About one-third of elderly patients may not have fever, 20 percent of elderly patients with gastrointestinal symptoms or pulmonary symptoms as the main performance. Urine examination showed white blood cells in urine, pyuria and bacteriuria, positive urine culture.
For men, prostatitis and urinary tract obstruction caused by an enlarged prostate is an important reason. Blood-borne infections due to acute interstitial nephritis occurs in the elderly, diabetics and patients with long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs, or NSAIDs.
Idiopathic acute interstitial nephritis is more common in young women, the clinical manifestations of fatigue, fever, rash, muscle pain, eye uveitis, some patients with lymphadenopathy, urinalysis showed mild to moderate proteinuria, renal tubular injury Obviously, non-oliguric renal insufficiency. About a third of patients can be combined ocular symptoms, ocular symptoms of kidney disease can occur in a few weeks before, while or after a few months there. 80% mainly confined to the former pigment film, but there are also reports of involvement of the dye film. Clinically no symptoms, but can also occur eye pain, photophobia, lacrimation, visual impairment and other symptoms. Physical examination can be found in ciliary congestion or mixed hyperemia, aqueous humor turbid, sediment and iris after corneal adhesions. 20% of patients may appear posterior synechia, intraocular pressure changes and other complications. Laboratory tests may have anemia, eosinophilia, ESR fast, CRP and globulin. This type of hormone therapy effect is obvious.
Other clinical manifestations of systemic disease caused by acute interstitial nephritis can occur while the system is unique to the clinical manifestations of the disease, such as systemic lupus erythematosus patients may have facial erythema, joint pain, photosensitivity, hair loss, frequent mouth ulcers , Sjogren's syndrome can appear dry mouth, dry eyes, multiple caries.
Chronic interstitial nephritis
Chronic interstitial nephritis often hidden, chronic or acute onset, due to chronic renal interstitial inflammation, fibrosis mainly hyperplasia, tubular atrophy, so often their common clinical manifestations.
Chronic interstitial nephritis often hidden, chronic or acute onset, due to chronic renal interstitial inflammation, fibrosis mainly hyperplasia, tubular atrophy, so often their common clinical manifestations.
1 Patients usually gradual emergence of more urine or nocturia, and with varying degrees of anorexia, fatigue, weight loss and other non-specific symptoms, usually no edema, some cases may have no clinical symptoms, physical examination or because only mild treatment of other diseases found in urine changes, renal dysfunction, anemia, renal osteodystrophy and suspicion of the disease. Some patients can be found through history taking medication history or history of exposure to physical and chemical factors. Systemic diseases caused in part by those who may have the primary disease manifestations.
2 urine usually presents with mild proteinuria (qualitative trace ~ +, quantitative general <0.5g / d), urinary protein often small molecules tubular proteinuria. Urine may have a small amount of white blood cells, red blood cells and casts generally no. Laboratory tests may be low specific gravity of urine, diabetes, urinary amino acids, phosphate urine, alkaline urine and hypophosphatemia, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia or hypokalemia and renal tubular acidosis.
3 if accompanied by renal papillary necrosis, there may be high fever, back pain, gross hematuria and urinary tract irritation, such as in the course, a common cause of diabetes, pyelonephritis, analgesic nephropathy, urinary tract obstruction or vasculitis. Acute renal papillary necrosis may occur in acute renal failure, urinary sediment can be found in necrotic tissue fragments, urography visible ring shadow or filling defects were seen in chronic renal medulla and renal papilla calcification shadows, reduce clinical urine concentration function.
4 chronic interstitial nephritis can spread glomeruli and blood vessels, leading to a corresponding function is impaired early as endogenous creatinine clearance rate, followed by serum creatinine may be elevated. Late glomerular and vascular involvement is severe, there may be chronic renal insufficiency symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, anorexia, anemia often very serious, and the degree of renal dysfunction accomplished. About half of patients with hypertension, but the extent is often less severe hypertension induced glomerulonephritis.
These are the details of clinical manifestations of acute interstitial nephritis and chronic interstitial nephritis, I believe we should interstitial nephritis should have some knowledge of it, if it is found suffering from the disease, to a regular hospital for examination and treatment as early as possible to avoid delay the disease. Experts wish you good health.

