
Routine care of patients with renal insufficiency

Patients with chronic renal insufficiency should first strengthen self-care, exercise, enhance disease resistance, and timely treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, clear foci, treatment of the primary disease, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypertension, etc., but also to prevent drugs kidney damage.
   Secondly, we must observe certain changes in the body: such as edema, hypertension, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, anemia, and observe the changes in the urine, the amount of urine, if there is more than discomfort, you should do blood and urine analysis, urine culture and count, kidney function test, and even kidney biopsy done and kidney imaging studies, in order to clear kidney disease etiology, pathology to determine renal function, treatment and prognosis for kidney disease provide evidence.
   Treatment of kidney disease, treatment is divided into general and special treatment. In general treatment, should pay attention to rest, how to rest, as the condition may be. Depending on the type of disease, the severity take appropriate diet. Infection control, remove the primary tumor, the treatment of the primary disease, adjusting the water and electrolyte balance, and enhance the body's resistance to disease and so on.

