
Why do young women susceptible to acute nephritis

According to the relevant data research shows that in patient populations nephritis among women than men in higher incidence in which young women than women of other age groups in terms of suffering more acute nephritis. Why is this? What are the symptoms of women suffering from nephritis occurs it? This is a question a lot of people care about, here we look.
This is mainly related to the physiological characteristics of women, young women to bear more social, family, etc. are working relationship. Female urinary shorter will be the opportunity to retrograde infection of more, and urinary tract infection in itself is an important factor for renal damage. The young women also because of pressure leads to decreased immune function, metabolic abnormalities, which are predisposing factors for kidney disease.
Remind young women, to pay attention to a reasonable diet, not a full meal hunger or overeating; maintain a relatively calm yourself feel the rhythm of life, do not fatigue, stay up late or excessive entertainment; not in work and family life in the spirit of give yourself too much pressure is applied or set goals too high, because psychological stress can also cause decreased immunity induced by acute nephritis. Also, pay attention to personal hygiene, maintaining a clean living environment.
There does not apply to timely treatment
Particularly acute nephritis start does not necessarily have a clear and immediate symptoms. In the clinical manifestations are: upper respiratory tract infection, scarlet fever infection, purulent skin symptoms appear 2-3 weeks after infection, such as malaise, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, followed by hematuria . In addition, you may also edema, and more to appear on the face and eyelid swelling, pale, showing a "nephritis face." Especially the ankle and lower limb edema calf may be more obvious, edema rapid progress. There are some people with hypertension, adult blood pressure and edema generally occur simultaneously, accompanied by appropriate signs and symptoms. Urine examination showed proteinuria, urinary tube, red blood cells. The severe acute glomerulonephritis can lead to acute renal dysfunction.
Through the introduction of the above, you should know the common symptoms of nephritis it, we must pay attention Oh, treatment as early as possible. If timely medical treatment, under the guidance of a doctor can be fully restored, should not her own medication, because many drugs will increase the burden on the kidneys, it may be worse. I wish you health.

