
Symptoms of renal dysfunction

   Renal insufficiency is a chronic disease, such as the many chronic diseases, the sooner the better detected earlier treatment. And you want to find themselves very early renal insufficiency should know what the symptoms of renal insufficiency. So that we can promptly identify problems kidneys. And earlier were healed. Well, then we look at what the symptoms of renal dysfunction and performance of it.

1, skin manifestations of skin dull, dry, scaling;
2, hematopoietic system performance is uremic patients must anemia symptoms. In addition to anemia, easy bleeding there, such as ecchymosis, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, black stools, etc.;
3, the performance of the cardiovascular system are often high blood pressure, high blood pressure causes long-term expansion of left ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial damage, heart failure, retention of toxic substances can cause myocardial damage, occurred uremic pericarditis;
4, respiratory system performance acidosis breathing deep and long. Metabolites retention can cause uremic bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, and a corresponding clinical signs and symptoms;
5, gastrointestinal symptoms of uremia performance is the oldest and most frequently occurring. Early in anorexia, abdominal discomfort chief complaint, nausea later, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth odor of urine and oral mucosal ulceration, and even gastrointestinal bleeding, etc.;
6, mental, neurological manifestations listlessness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, memory loss, insomnia, may have limbs tingling, burning and hand-foot skin itching, itching unbearable even lower limbs, shall always moving, not ending, etc. can occur late lethargy, irritability, delirium, muscle twitching or trembling, convulsions, coma.
Dialysis can reduce the toxins in a short time
Positive start dialysis analyzed, because dialysis can in a short time, the body of creatinine and protein content down, you can prolong the lives of patients, dialysis excessive accumulation of blood toxins and excess water can be cleared out of the body, and added a base period to correct acidosis, electrolyte imbalance adjustment, replacing renal excretory function.

Meanwhile, the dialysis treatment of uremia, quick, can in the shortest time the patient out of danger range. Dialysis is a therapy to clear the body of toxins quickly and directly, excessive accumulation of toxins in the human body when it will endanger the safety of life, by dialysis uremic patients can eliminate toxins, the body environment to maintain a basic balance, so that the patient's life will get maintained.
However, dialysis dependence will increase the difficulty and cost of treatment of uremia
Dialysis there are also disadvantages, its drawback is also the formation of long-term dialysis dialysis-dependent, so that the patient can not do without dialysis. Uremia and dialysis treatment increases the difficulty and cost of dialysis will increase and serious complications.
Equivalent to an artificial kidney dialysis, to help the patient's kidneys excrete the toxins out of the body, would not achieve the fundamental role of treatment, can lead to imbalances (Human extreme discomfort), damage strength, damage to red blood cells, increasing anemia, increased renal atrophy, dialysis over time, will lead to a patient little or no urine.

