
What harm is it the consequences of pyelonephritis

Experts point out that, divided into acute pyelonephritis pyelonephritis and chronic pyelonephritis are two types of acute pyelonephritis caused, and more patients are accompanied by back pain, fever, headache and other symptoms of acute pyelonephritis if not timely and effective treatment, it will worsening of chronic pyelonephritis, shows that the disease is very severe pyelonephritis.
Patients with pyelonephritis will bring what harm?
First, the disease is due to chronic inflammation induced by bacterial infection of kidney disease, renal pelvis and renal interstitial violations, and calyx tissues. Because repeatedly subjected to inflammatory stimuli, damage calyces, renal interstitial renal pelvis and cause scarring appeared renal atrophy, dysfunction. These symptoms of clinical symptoms is pyelonephritis, so patients with these symptoms should be promptly treated to prevent exacerbations.
Second, patients with the disease usually only backache, fever, and there is no obvious way of infection painful urination symptoms, but some of the symptoms seen in patients with urinary frequency and urgency, mainly to reduce the number of white blood cells in urine, nocturia and so on. Patients with advanced disease develops into a long-term or repeated episodes can cause infection can also lead to the emergence of uremia, giving patients greater health threat.
Third, the symptoms of pyelonephritis although not very obvious, but very serious consequences, the clinical symptoms of pyelonephritis mainly anorexia, back pain and other symptoms, these symptoms are usually the first symptom of pyelonephritis. As the disease progresses, the patient will be accompanied by fatigue, anorexia, intermittent fever, back pain, discomfort and other symptoms hypochondrium, urinary frequency, dysuria and urinary urgency and other lower urinary tract irritation will increase, but also hematuria or asymptomatic bacteriuria.
Warm experts said: pyelonephritis is a very serious form of kidney disease, the disease once triggered, the patient's health will suffer great damage. In order to prevent the disease continues to worsen, patients who want to discover the disease symptoms, then go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment of science. In the course of treatment, conditioning diet is very important, patients do not get lazy.

