
Nephritis patients can eat it without salt soy sauce

Nephritis patients' daily dietary needs extra attention, keep in mind the need to quit food, must not affect the treatment due to greedy greedy recovery. Many patients can be eaten without salt soy sauce usually puzzled, I bring you the following explanation of experts.

Nephritis patients daily diet is very important, reasonable diet can play glomerular reduce patient load, slowing the process of patients with renal failure. Some nephritis patients often choose to eat salt-free soy sauce, salt substitutes, but not all nephritis patients can eat without salt soy sauce.

Because nephritis patients should control salt intake, so some patients will choose a salt-free soy sauce, salt-free soy sauce is a medicinal potassium chloride, ammonium chloride instead of sodium, salt-free solid state fermentation brewing methods which potassium instead of sodium, normal renal function, urine output and a lot of patients with high blood potassium is not edible. However, if poor renal function, urine and less time, it should be used with caution. This is because potassium is excreted with the urine, if less urine, potassium excretion less, then eat salt-free soy sauce, hyperkalemia may occur, may endanger the heart, or even suppress heart beat and accidents.

Nephritis patients daily urine output during 1000 ml or more, do not control the intake of potassium can be eaten without salt soy sauce; If urine output in 1000 ml or less or hyperkalemia, you should not eat salt-free soy sauce, and should fresh elections hypokalemia recipes.

So nephritis patients do not because that says no salt soy sauce on guard. If you want to select salt-free soy sauce nephritis patients, we must be clear what type they are part of, whether it is fit for human consumption the kind of salt-free soy sauce nephritis patients.

