
Ate in patients with renal insufficiency

Even a healthy person, life is not eat whatever you want, and then for patients with renal insufficiency, what food taboos it? Order to make the treatment of patients with renal insufficiency better technology, some care work is very important, especially diet, we might look at the patient's diet together taboos it!
Everyday life is not only good for kidney disease patients, diet is very important, normal is the same, for the condition of patients with renal insufficiency have a great relationship, so there is a lot of food because most of their daily lives, so that renal function failure patients inedible. So renal insufficiency diet taboo is very important. Yi Shi containing low-protein, high-sugar foods, should eat fresh vegetables and fruit. Vitamins and folic acid.
For patients with renal insufficiency, the swelling of a small amount of urine so be sure to pay attention to avoid salt, avoid potassium, eat salty food, three meals a day diet should also avoid spicy foods, such as chili, pepper, coffee, wine, cocoa and so on. Avoid rooster, geese, ZhuTouRou, sea and other fishy fat objects. In fact, life is appropriate in patients with vegetable oil, but not limited fat intake. If the patient to eat according to these methods, must be avoided because the diet is not only aggravate the condition of patients with renal insufficiency.
These are the relevant information about food taboos renal insufficiency Xiaobian collected, presumably everyone for more patients with renal insufficiency ate, ate nothing bad has some understanding of it! Only by understanding, in order to better participate kidney disease treatment. I wish you a speedy recovery!

