
Why are children susceptible to acute nephritis

Why are children susceptible to acute nephritis! According to statistics, there are a lot of children are suffering from acute nephritis, acute nephritis is easy to find on why children? This is because the child's body is still in the developmental stage, the immune system is relatively weak, it is vulnerable to viruses and disease. In this case, the special needs of parents' concerns, should always pay attention to the child's health, a clear symptom of acute nephritis.
Children have acute nephritis is a common situation, if not early detection of kidney disease in children and get timely and effective treatment, it is likely to chronic kidney disease and uremia appears in adolescence or adulthood. Many adults have kidney disease originating in childhood.
In order to detect kidney disease, children should have regular physical examination. Therefore, experts recommend schools and kindergartens in the organization of children's urine screening examination should not be ignored. Because of tonsillitis, respiratory infections, impetigo and other infectious diseases and allergic purpura are likely to involve the kidneys, experts advise parents to their children while treating these diseases, we must give children look up urine.
Why are children susceptible to acute nephritis! Experts remind that the majority of parents, if the child has edema, urinary much foam and other phenomena, we must pay attention to it. Because this may be a symptom of acute nephritis. Parents must bring the child to the hospital in time to check the symptoms should be treated if found, do not let the progression of the disease.

