
Malignant renal cysts are not so big chance

Nephrology clinic in them, often encounter such patients, his face solemn, nervousness, when asked why? Patients would say, because the kidneys long had a cyst is not a tumor? Will not become malignant? Or need surgery? Will not be passed on to their children? This is what many people are concerned about, and see the view below:
In fact, the vast majority of renal cysts are not neoplastic diseases, it is time to grow kidneys no good permutations and combinations, leading to its own deformity, by the kidneys "skin" over the proliferation of forming a "bladders" adult-onset male-dominated. You can rest assured that renal cysts are benign, malignant little chance. The most commonly encountered in clinical renal cysts are divided into two categories: simple renal cysts and hereditary polycystic kidney disease. 70% of patients with the former, but also the vast majority of subjects were found to kidney cyst type. More than half of the patients before the examination found almost no symptoms, some patients because of increased oppression of renal parenchymal cysts or cyst bleeding, infection and other reasons, there will be ipsilateral lower back pain, a few people while doing routine urine examination revealed hematuria proteinuria. Survey found that people over the age of 50, more than half had one or more kidney cysts. So, for the unexpected discovery that renal cysts need not fear.
Given little chance of malignant renal cysts, then if you can leave it too? It depends on the circumstances. If the cyst smaller diameter (<5 cm), nor any clinical symptoms, may periodically review B, monitoring can be observed; If the cyst larger diameter (> 5cm), the kidney renal impairment, or bleeding cyst infection , rupture, surgery is required. Currently, the most commonly used is the laparoscopic cyst decortication, this method is safe and effective, less invasive, less pain, the recurrence rate is relatively low, has become the standard surgical treatment for most patients with renal cysts, the majority of patients postoperative effects are more satisfied. Of course, for every patient with renal cyst, surgery is not required and choose what kind of treatment, the patient's doctor will be considering their own situation, to do judgment after cyst risk factors, the biggest benefit is the core of the patient's for considerations.
For patients who have renal insufficiency, taking care to avoid excessive intake of protein-rich foods as well as harmful drugs on renal function on the diet. Once renal failure, dialysis and kidney transplantation can be considered treatment.
For simple renal cysts, passed on to the next generation the chance is very low. The liver cyst renal cyst or cysts organs, mostly due to genetic factors, such patients, it is necessary to check the monitoring of the immediate family.
Through the introduction of the above, you will not malignant renal cysts should be clear now that this is a seemingly small harm but great harm to human disease, experts have warned that the above does not apply when the body when the need for timely to kidney disease hospital for detailed examination, do not delay the disease, missed the best time for treatment. I wish you health.

