
What harm to the body uremia

For uremia, I believe many people are not familiar, this is a very serious disease, the harm as much as the cancer, so the disease has "second cancers," said. For existing medical standards, the order to completely cure the disease but also there are some difficulties, but early treatment, the effect is still possible. So what are some symptoms of uremia? Here's a look.
1 Department of Cardiovascular manifestations: high blood pressure, arrhythmia common; late can still occur fibrinous pericarditis and heart failure.
2, the general symptoms: pale gray face, malaise, weight loss.
3, gastrointestinal manifestations: disorders of the earliest and most prominent manifestations. Anorexia, abdominal discomfort, followed by the emergence of black feces and vomiting, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, mouth ulcers, breath there Niaowei late can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.
4, mental, nervous system manifestations: headache, dizziness, trance, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness and even coma. Irritability, muscle tremors, convulsions, seizures are common in advanced.
5, hematopoietic system performance: severe anemia, late still bleeding symptoms.
6, respiratory manifestations: acidosis, breathing deep and long. Uremic late can cause bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy.
7, skin manifestations: skin minimalist, dry desquamation. After discharge from the sweat glands of urea, urea can be cemented in white frost, the emergence of itching and skin irritation.
We should be clear of symptoms of uremia it, please positive prevention, kidney disease symptoms appear immediately go to the hospital, in order to avoid delay treatment. We had better do some periodic physical examinations, preventive measures. In this small series I wish you good health.

