
IgA nephritis patients diet Taboo

The kidneys are part of the urinary system, since to help deal with a blood impurities, charged with detox detoxification function, and some people, unfortunately, suffering IGA nephritis, which affects the work of the learning and life is great. So, IgA nephritis patients ate? What to eat well? Here's a look.
IgA nephritis is a group of more than causes of chronic glomerular diseases that have the same characteristics of immunopathology, is a common worldwide glomerular diseases. In the treatment of IgA nephritis, scientific and standardized diet should be taken to avoid damage to the kidneys have been worse, increasing the burden on the kidneys. So with IgA nephritis should avoid eating does not allow contempt.
IgA nephritis patients should pay attention to the diet Taboo following precautions:
IgA nephritis diet should eat foods:
IgA nephritis diet can eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, if IgA nephritis patients with microscopic hematuria, no edema, may be more water, eat apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, fungus and so on.
Jichi IgA nephritis diet food:
1, fishy spicy food, seafood, beef, lamb, fried, crab, garlic, raw onions, parsley, vinegar, wine, beef, mutton, coffee, spiced materials and all the big hair thing;
2, animal offal, millet, mushroom, seaweed, soy, orange, melon seeds, peanuts, bananas, non-vegetable oil;
3, high potassium foods: citrus, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate. In contrast to patients with low potassium consumption;
4, lentils, spinach, lychee, chocolate.
IgA nephritis patients with different symptoms diet Taboo:
IgA nephritis hypertension uremia eat high potassium foods such as: bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate; patients with low potassium exactly the opposite;
IgA nephritis edema, weight should avoid salt, limits on the amount of protein in food, drinking less. Edema is not heavy, low-salt diet may enter; without edema was no limits on the amount of water and protein foods;
High uric acid, especially in patients with IgA nephritis should not eat animal organs, Yuxia mussels, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach;
Microscopic hematuria and easy to get angry who drink more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame seeds, fungus and other nourishing yin and down as food.
All in all, IgA nephritis diet taboos include potassium foods, supplements, tonics and food easy to get angry, I hope you remember that, in addition, patients with kidney disease diet includes many aspects, and the patient's condition varies in the diet is also different, if want better adhere to the scientific diet to ensure treatment, patients should be under the guidance of a doctor for their specific condition to develop a reasonable diet regimen.

