
Chronic nephritis eat melon benefits tonic swelling

Chronic nephritis eat melon What are the benefits? Melon soup, suitable for hot bored, edema, Hyperactivity cough and other diseases, can play a role in heat diuretic, generally melon, rice is made, so you can treat chronic nephritis have a very important role. Any chronic illness that we are not ignored, if you have chronic nephritis, then we should pay attention to the diet, we must not allow the deterioration of chronic nephritis, so as to help improve our health.

First, melon bean soup

Winter bean soup, hot weather there is heat diuretic effect, generally applicable to block urination wet summer caused the patient to eat, which can be used melon, green beans, soup, ginger, scallion made ​​for chronic nephritis treatment has a very important role.

Practice: melon, green beans, soup, ginger, scallion, salt. Wash the aluminum pan will stir, pour boiling soup, fishing net foam; ginger wash pot to release the film break, go to the root wash onions rolled into a knot wok, green beans washing clean, remove the float on water Yuba, and then into the pot simmer; melon, peeled, to the flesh, washed, cut into the pot, but not rotten stew cooked soft, add a little salt and serve immediately.

Second, the winter melon soup spinach

Melon spinach soup with tonic swelling, weight loss fitness effect for women during pregnancy edema generally can use melon, spinach, lamb, ginger, onion is made for regulating the body's secretion of patients with chronic nephritis has many relationship.

Practice: melon, spinach, lamb, ginger, onions and the amount. First melon, peeled, flesh, cut into squares, spinach choose a good wash, cut into 4 cm long segments, sliced ​​lamb, sliced ​​ginger, green onions and cut into sections; then set fire to the frying pan, filling pan , invested green onion, sheep meat and stir-fry, then add onion, ginger, spinach, melon pieces, toss, add soup, boil for about 10 minutes, add salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, and finally into the wet starch juice mix well and serve.

