
What benefit patients with lupus nephritis diet conditioning

What diet in patients with lupus nephritis conditioning benefits? For nephritis patients, diet conditioning is very important, reasonable diet can help treat the disease, but if the patient is eating certain foods make the disease worse. So, what are taboos nephritis patients eating it?

1, nephritis patients should not eat chili

This type of food like chili and a variety of spicy condiments contain irritating ingredients (such as onions, ginger, garlic, curry, mustard, pepper), and a variety of spices and more vegetables containing volatile oils (such as chives, fennel, celery, radishes, etc.), in human metabolic process, its spicy ingredients often excreted through the kidneys, and these spicy ingredients on the renal parenchyma cells have different levels of stimulation, serious affect kidney function.

2, nephritis patients should not popular Coke

Most people think, nutrient-rich bananas, sweet and delicious, everyone can eat, nothing taboo. However, suffering from acute nephritis, chronic nephritis and renal dysfunction who could not eat bananas, because bananas contain more sodium, and nephritis edema, hypertension must restrict the intake of sodium. If nephritis patients often eat bananas, it means a lot of sodium intake, resulting in kidney burden, edema, hypertension and other symptoms will also increase. In addition, indigestion and diarrhea after eating will also bring the patient sicker.

What benefit patients with lupus nephritis diet conditioning

3, nephritis patients should not eat eggs

Nephritis patients should not eat eggs. Due to the onset of renal function during and metabolism were significantly decreased, decreased urine output, the body of toxins and some can not all be excreted. At this point if we eat eggs, egg products is bound to increase metabolism - urea, so there will be more urea accumulate in the body, so that sicker. Therefore, when disease progression in patients with nephritis taboo eggs, in a stable phase can eat more.

4, nephritis patients should not eat egg

Egg (egg) not tasted salty, but it is not low sodium content, nephritis patients need low-salt diet, and occasionally eat a little also not be affected much. Such a long time to eat, it will increase the amount of sodium in the body, loss of low-salt diet, is not conducive to physical rehabilitation. Therefore, nephritis patients should not eat egg.

