
How men diagnosed with kidney stones

In nephrology disease among kidney stones is seriously ill in recent years has increased. Kidney stones can occur in various parts, and therefore more serious harm. Kidney stones usually occur in men, particularly in adults.
According to history, physical examination and necessary X-ray, laboratory and other tests, is not difficult to make a diagnosis of kidney stones, but also to learn more about stone size, number, shape and location, there are unaccompanied hair obstruction, infection, renal dysfunction, and the composition of the primary disease may be due to the estimated stones. Those who have a history of lower back pain after hematuria, or sports hematuria occurred, should consider the possibility of kidney stones. Kidney stones in 80% of microscopic hematuria, a few of the naked eye or painless hematuria.
How to diagnose male suffering from kidney stones
An oral calcium load test 1g
Since the suppression of parathyroid secretion of parathyroid secretion after calcium concentration is inversely proportional, normal lose calcium and phosphorus in urine was significantly reduced (20 to 60%), phosphorus significantly increased, whereas patients with hyperparathyroidism lose calcium after less than 20% reduction in urinary phosphate, and phosphorus rarely change.
The more calcium stones, almost film developing more clearly. Little or calcium stones hours are developing unclear, even blurred see. However, if the film last night after blunt senna 6 ~ 9g or enemas, there are likely to be detected. Pure uric acid stones or cystine stones because without calcium, it can not be displayed on a flat piece called negative stones, about 3 to 5% of all urinary stones.
2, intravenous urography
For renal function, with or without water and the entire urinary tract conditions, and provide the basis for the selection of treatment; cause kidney stones can find local causes, such as congenital stenosis of the renal pelvis and ureter joins, horseshoe-shaped kidney and polycystic kidney disease and other deformities. In the negative stones can be expressed as the pelvis occupying change, those who are allergic to iodine and negative cystoscopy stones in patients with retrograde feasible ureteropelvic angiography, if necessary, pelvis air angiography.
3, urinary tract X-ray
The main differential diagnosis is right upper abdominal pain caused by kidney stones, must identify with the pain of biliary stones, ulcer disease, pancreatitis, etc., but these patients had no urine red, white blood cells. Although biliary stones or abdominal lymph node calcification also in plain film developing, but taken lateral radiographs, kidney stones located in the shadow of the lumbar vertebrae overlap or later side, and biliary stones or abdominal lymph node calcification is located within the vertebral body before party. Uric acid in patients with elevated uric acid stones. Urine PH was sustained strong acidic characteristics, many patients with gout.

As the saying goes, no amount of wealth not as a healthy body, we can see the importance of a healthy person's right, for kidney disease prevention has become a top priority, the prevention of kidney disease while actively do not avoid the occurrence of the disease, but can be effective reduced incidence of nephropathy. I wish you a speedy recovery!

