
Excess nutrients are kidney stones "curse"

With the improvement of living standards, over-nutrition is not a new problem, excess nutrients lead to obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other diseases have also been well known, can be another kind of disease which was ignored by the people --- is the stones. In recent years, not only the incidence of various stones year after year, and the average age of onset is also in decline.
Stones, overnutrition is a curse
Common stones are mainly gallstones, kidney stones and so on. Gallstones, refers to any part of the biliary system diseases occurring stones, can be divided into cholesterol gallstones, bile pigment stones, mixed stones three. Our survey shows that there have been large in eating habits, where the protein, fat or carbohydrate eating more in any one category, their gallbladder stones or have a high incidence of cholesterol gallstones.
Overseas study found that residents of developed countries prefer to eat animal protein and fat and refined carbohydrate foods, their significantly higher incidence of kidney stones. Chinese residents often eat spinach, beets, tea, etc., are also likely to occur. Thus, the incidence of kidney stones is also a "bad mouth."
Eating too easy to get gallstones oil
Gallstones cause a lot of reasons, but can be summed up in the following points ---
1, eat too greasy. Studies have shown that fat meat and more women suffering from gallstones than those who eat a vegetarian diet to be higher;
2, do not eat breakfast. Less long-term activities, depression or stress, excessive fasting, do not eat breakfast, etc., can become stones hidden;
3, the lack of dietary fiber. Long-term do not eat vegetables rich in crude fiber, fruits, whole grains, resulting in a lack of dietary fiber, may lead to increased risk of cholelithiasis;
4, excessive consumption of refined sugar, resulting in excessive deposition of cholesterol to form stones.
Therefore, after the emergence of gallstones, you first need to pay attention is to restrict food cholesterol. High cholesterol foods such as organ meats, egg yolks, fish roe, crab, etc., should try to avoid eating. Cholesterol intake, every day must be controlled within 300 mg --- and many frequently eating out or eating fried food person, daily cholesterol intake is often more than 800 mg. In addition, you can add some lecithin. Lecithin can promote fat metabolism, break down excess fat, preventing obesity. Lecithin-rich foods include deep-sea fish, soybeans and soy products. If conditional, eat lecithin nutritional supplements is a good choice.

Right kidney disease diet you have a better understanding of it, a good daily habits can assist the treatment of diseases, such as: a reasonable diet, proper exercise, optimistic attitude, adequate sleep, and only develop these daily habits can be effective away from the disease. I wish you a speedy recovery!

