
Children with nephrotic syndrome - Nursing

Children with nephrotic syndrome , also known as pediatric kidney disease, clinical features are: height edema , proteinuria , hypoalbuminemia , hypercholesterolemia sign. Children with nephrotic greatly affect the growth and development of children , is not easy to treat , and more repeatedly, pediatric kidney disease resistance is low , prone to infection , leaving sicker, should actively prevent infection , then how should the children have skin damage care, in order to obtain satisfactory clinical effect?
Children with nephrotic highly edema, severe edema in children with nephrotic syndrome can lead to secondary infection , there is the risk of skin damage , the relevant care measures are as follows :
1 scrotal edema when male children , can hold the bag and keep a local hygiene
2 regular turning and alcohol use safflower massage pressure areas to promote local blood running . Avoid turning drag, pull, pull and other actions to prevent skin abrasions.
3 children nails regularly to prevent scratching the skin , causing infection .
4 children bathing regularly to keep the skin clean. When operating action should be gentle, so as not to damage the skin .
5 children clothes should be soft and loose , the timely replacement pollution. Beds to keep clean and dry, smooth and no wrinkles .

