
Common nutritional problems in hemodialysis patients

Uremic hemodialysis patients often have a lot of eating problems, I do not know what the note will not let malnutrition in this matter sorted out some of the basic diet in patients on hemodialysis should be noted :

Whether dialysis and not on dialysis after eating before eating different?

The biggest difference is that the diet before and after dialysis protein intake , before dialysis limit protein intake , can delay the deterioration of renal function. But the blood will drain some of the amino acids during dialysis ( about the loss of one or two of the meat ) , so instead you want to make a sufficient amount of protein supplement in the diet . Excellent protein supplement can come from meat , fish, beans , eggs and milk, but higher phosphorus contained in milk and eggs , it should be noted that the intake of milk a day up to a cup (240c.c), or can choose a special phosphorus nutrition of milk or special , as egg intake should also consider whether there are high cholesterol , the amount of each proposal therefore vary . " Meat " means chickens, pigs, cattle, sheep , ducks, "fish" also refers to such small volumes of seafood , squid , sea cucumbers, " beans " means to do soy products such as tofu, tofu, soy milk, so for vegetarian people, soy products also provide a rich source of protein.

Protein required for dialysis patients is about 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight -1.4 g

That is 60 kg person needs 72 grams -84 grams of protein , about 7 ounces of meat and 50 kg person probably need 6 ounces of meat , and so is the quality of dialysis patients need protein .

My albumin is low, is not as long as fish, meat, beans , eggs, food supplement can increase the protein albumin ?
Albumin can be said to represent physical indicators of nutritional status , adequate intake of protein foods can make the body albumin enough , but even more important is getting enough calories to make our intake of protein will not be used as energy use , so that the protein is still not enough, and enough calories can come from fats and oils and staple food intake , so when we eat meat, fish, beans, eggs when food , but also to remember the rest of the five categories of food are adequate intake , then it needs to adjust the diet according to nutritionists do the most modest correction illness , helping patients achieve good nutritional status.

How do I know if my water intake too much ?

To determine whether the excessive intake of water is between two non- dialysis weight had increased to five percent of body weight, such as weight 50kg person at the next dialysis weight must not exceed 52.5kg, because patients receiving hemodialysis , urine output has been reduced by many or close to no urine output, the intake of water can not be excreted in the urine , only to discharge excess water accumulated in the body and when required by the next dialysis .

Potassium fruits and oranges are oranges , is not can not eat ?

Although oranges and orange fruits are high in potassium , vitamin C content , but contained very rich , because when the water-soluble vitamins are dialysis dialysis out , so it should have to do a modest supplement. So do not eat high-potassium fruits are not , but should be ingested in a day when two servings of fruits ( apples a woman about a fist-sized or oranges, or a half stars Thai guava ) , high potassium fruits at most only can account for a copy, but do not drink juice , because a cup of orange juice 200c.c need at least four small eggs to squeeze fresh juice , and four small eggs over the required amount . Other high-potassium fruits such as strawberries, cantaloupe is not not not eat , but when the intake of such foods , should pay attention to their intake frequency is not too high , do not be another full day intake of potassium fruits , fruit can be potassium hypokalemia staggered consumption, in fact, all kinds of fruit intake on the human body has different benefits , but does not mean there is no fruit hypokalemia potassium ions, potassium ions when if taken in excess will increase , thus avoiding high potassium intake method on the fruit , the most important to note that the number and frequency of their total intake .

Do I make chicken soup is made ​​available chicken stew up ?

Because the Taiwanese people have the habit of stew supplement that sick people should supplement some good chicken soup strength , but from the perspective of nutrition , the nutritional value of chicken soup contained even too , because only a few free chicken broth the amino acids contained in the protein to better high chicken , and the chicken itself although containing potassium ions , but after cooking by the potassium ions are most soluble in water , so as to form potassium chicken food, then dialysis patients who need to control the water intake for Tangtangshuishui things are not appropriate intake should be limited , it is recommended that dialysis patients chicken soup is better to eat more chicken replenish nutrients.

Can I use low- sodium or low-salt soy sauce instead of salt or soy sauce is generally fine to reduce salt intake ?

The so-called low- sodium or low-salt soy sauce , which is a low-sodium ingredients instead of potassium , which is " high sodium potassium " , so low- sodium and low-salt soy sauce belong to the high potassium foods, but often hemodialysis patients potassium ions due to metabolic abnormalities , tend to have a situation of hyperkalemia , it should not as a general seasoning. Cook on low-salt , refined salt should be seasoned general , but to reduce the amount of salt , and do not use MSG, in addition to pay attention to some tune fresheners ( such as chicken powder ( block ) , cooking guru ) is used because It also contains the amount of sodium intake should pay attention to .

Can I do the cultivation of food and drink energy soup ?

Energy soup ingredients as cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds and other nuts , are high phosphorus foods , plus fresh vegetables or wheat grass juice labeled together , the other will be added to adjust the taste of fruit . Because most of the fruits and vegetables contain potassium ions , potassium ions, water-soluble nutrients, and boiled after washing , the loss of potassium ions will mostly , but energy vegetable soup , boiled without directly labeled to potassium juice, plus fruit contains potassium ions, potassium energy soup becomes a high phosphorus foods , daily hemodialysis patients not suitable for human consumption. Dialysis patients recommended intake of vegetables , we might go through hot boiled picked up after cooking , frying or dip sauces available to eat, intake of potassium ions will reduce the number of Oh.

Chinese stew made ​​available if I add?

Chinese herbal soup ingredients also belongs to plants, but plants contain potassium ions, but the cooked vegetables can not eat soup burns to reduce potassium intake, while herb boiled out of place though is the essence of supplements , but potassium ions contained inside is very high, and therefore the use of Chinese medicine stew of potassium ions to monitor patients very carefully , but generally multi- center hemodialysis biochemical values ​​measured once a month for potassium , potassium can not be learned changes, and hyperkalemia will cause heart disorders, resulting in acute heart failure , affecting the life and safety , it is recommended to do so not supplemented with traditional Chinese stew . Is more important for the patient sufficient intake of calories and proteins hemodialysis .

Milk is a protein -rich foods , if I can be a lot intake ?

Although milk is high quality source of protein , but because of high phosphorus contained in it less suitable for dialysis patients often eat , to eat a certain amount ingested is best to supplement the teachings in the nutritionist , or the market now has some designed for dialysis patients with nutritional supplements designed ( eg Abbott Puning kidney, kidney disease Novo华立摄appropriate formula ) , which features a balanced supply of nutrients , the right amount of protein, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, concentrated liquid, for dialysis patients to drink oral nutritional supplements .

High- fiber whole grains of rice are now popular health food for me to do to replace the staple food rice yet ?
High cholesterol or high blood sugar in patients with whole grains to rice as a staple food , because of the high fiber contained , with slow rise in blood sugar after a meal and help cholesterol metabolism, but whole grains such as brown rice , red beans , mung beans, oats, barley containing phosphorus is high, if often grains of rice , whole wheat toast instead of white rice , white bread , regular intake of such foods or when dialysis patients likely to cause elevated blood levels of phosphorus .

Hemodialysis patients often feel that there are many restrictions on the diet, so let patients eat desire also lost quality of life, but must first understand what is meant by the six main categories of food and a balanced intake , again is to know what is the high-phosphorus , high potassium, high-salt foods , and these foods intake which is unnecessary , and which is ingested but pay attention to intake and intake frequency , with the basic concepts of nutrition after dialysis in order to have a good quality, not then distressed after receiving dialysis is " tasteless " life.

