
Potential reasons for the incidence of acute renal failure which

Potential reasons for the incidence of acute renal failure have? Potential causes of the onset of acute renal failure have? Acute renal failure is a common kidney disease , great bodily harm , on this point , everyone has become an accepted fact of ! Therefore, we must pay more attention to the appearance of acute renal failure , the effect must not otherwise suffer suffering will be your own ! Of course , many reasons to induce the disease , following the Beijing kidney hospital experts to explain in detail !
Acute renal failure is a syndrome. Caused by a variety of causes, the rapid decline in the glomerular filtration rate to below 50% of normal , blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine increased rapidly and cause water, power quality disturbances and acid-base balance disorders and acute symptoms of uremia .
Potential reasons for the incidence of acute renal failure have? Experts made ​​the following explanation : cause of chronic renal failure occurred mainly as a potential risk factor for the following three aspects:
1 , hemodynamic changes in the human body : the lack of blood perfusion , such as shock, congestive heart failure , heart disease , thrombosis (dic), stroke , vascular excessive contraction , time dilation of the disease, the amount of blood through the kidneys on the relative lack of waste relative metabolic rate decreases, resulting in the accumulation of nitrogenous waste , increase the burden on the kidneys and cause kidney failure.
2 , toxic substances Damage: daily life for many drugs have considerable damage the kidneys , such as certain antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, non-steroidal analgesics , X-ray developer , alcohol, heavy metal poisoning ( lead, mercury , arsenic, thallium ) , or insects, snake venom and so on, can produce varying degrees of renal toxicity, resulting in renal dysfunction , causing kidney failure.
3, the body 's own disease : leptospirosis infection , autoimmune nephritis, liver failure , bacterial endocarditis , pyelonephritis, and lymphosarcoma , etc. , when the body itself, the presence of these diseases, often lead to kidney damage, thus has also become a major cause of kidney failure occur.

