
Nephrotic syndrome in the diet, "four bogey" Chinese medicine treatment advantages of multi-

There nephrotic syndrome patients how to pay attention to detail in the diet ? Today, we will come and say something about a diet nephrotic syndrome , patients should pay attention to diet with food , do not eat high-fat foods high fever , from limiting salt, vegetable protein aspect start in order to help in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome .
1 , avoid using strong spices
Strong spices such as pepper , mustard, coffee guts, peppers and other adverse renal function , should not eat . MSG due after more food will thirst , while limiting the amount of water , it should be less MSG.
2 , limit salt
Edema and blood volume relationship , sodium great . Per 1 g of salt can be brought into the water about 110 ml , nephritis patients, such as eating too much salt , and urinary function and damage, often aggravate symptoms of edema , blood volume increases, causing heart failure, it must limit salt , given low salt diet. Daily salt intake should be controlled at 2-4 grams or less , to prevent edema and blood volume increased accidents.
3 , avoid high-fat foods
Patients with chronic nephritis , hypertension and anemia symptoms , animal fats , high blood pressure and anemia , was a disadvantage , because fat can aggravate atherosclerosis and inhibition of hematopoietic function , so chronic nephritis patients should not eat too much . But if there is no fat intake in chronic nephritis , machine experience has become more frail , it can be used in everyday life instead of vegetable oil , about 60 grams per day .
4 , limiting plant protein
Protein intake , renal function should be considered in the circumstances. The patient oliguria , edema, high blood pressure, and the quality of nitrogen retention, daily protein intake should be controlled at 20-40 grams , to reduce the burden on the kidneys, to avoid non- protein nitrogen , accumulate in the body. Especially plant protein , containing large amounts of fat Yin bases, can aggravate kidney , intermediary metabolism , and therefore should not use beans, and soy products as a nutritional supplement. Legumes and soy products , including soy beans, green beans , broad beans, soy milk, tofu.
Two points in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome following advantages:
First, Chinese medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome, can reduce the side effects of hormones
Patients with decreased immunity, colds , illness repeatedly as permanently, and because the toxic side effects of these drugs , long-term use , the patient also cause some damage . Patients in the hormone and immune preparation process, often lead to immune dysfunction , decreased immunity, disease and appears repeatedly as gastrointestinal reactions and bone marrow suppression , spleen and kidney of the clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine to eliminate the side effects of hormones and immunosuppressive agents , conditioning immune function, which solves the problem of hormone rebound .
Second, Chinese medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome, patients can improve sensitivity to the hormone
Many long-term use in patients with nephrotic syndrome medicine prednisone, cyclophosphamide and other drugs during treatment often produces serious dependence on these drugs , the drug reduced sensitivity , effective slow . With traditional Chinese medicine treatment of refractory nephropathy, clinically significant results have been achieved . Doctors can use the patient's condition based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine dialectical combination of disease and debate , take the appropriate treatment for different patients , as long as the proper medication , nursing the law , there is hope for the rehabilitation of patients .
As we all know , the kidneys are the body's excretory system , which means that the treatment of nephrotic syndrome when the drug pressure will bring insight to the kidneys caused more serious side effects , and Chinese medicine in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome , the Council can clever to avoid this, this is the advantage of traditional Chinese medicine . Yes, the use of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome, indeed in some places is better than Western medicine , but there are some drawbacks , is a slow course . Nephrotic syndrome patients should be carefully analyzed to choose the combination of personal illness treatments do.

