
Whether acute nephritis can be cured

I believe there is acute nephritis treatment of patients with acute nephritis lack of confidence , but also in patients experiencing acute nephritis preliminary examination , but the results after a period of treatment of chronic nephritis indeed checked again , then check the result is wrong or natural changes in the disease it ? Let the reputation of the United States and kidney hospital experts to explain to everyone , the treatment of acute nephritis , acute nephritis look can be cured? And acute nephritis will become chronic nephritis.

    Acute nephritis can be cured . Because of acute nephritis is a benign self-limiting disease , with timely removal of the cause , given appropriate symptomatic treatment can often heal itself. In the acute phase should instruct patient bed rest, low-salt or salt-free diet , to have throat or skin infection focus should be given 10-15 days penicillin treatment for oliguria , edema were given diuretics , who was resting , water restrictions salt , diuretic and blood pressure is still high antihypertensive drugs should be given , if the occurrence of acute renal failure , dialysis treatment should be with . After the treatment, the patient's condition improved and more quickly . Gross hematuria usually disappear first , 1-2 weeks after the onset of urine color to yellow , about two weeks on their own diuretic swelling , azotemia and hypertension also will return to normal. Urine recovery is slow, often persisting for several months , about half of adults and most children in the patient's urine protein negative about six months , one year later almost all patients urinary protein can be negative, but microscopic hematuria may be delayed for several months or l ~ 2 years . According to statistics, over 90% of children's cases , more than 70 % of adult cases were about 2-8 weeks , the symptoms gradually improved, until healed. Only a small number of patients ( 0.1% to 5% ) due to complicated by heart failure , hypertensive encephalopathy , acute renal failure, severe infection and death. About the problem of acute to chronic nephritis , there was controversy , according to a long-term follow-up observation , and by observing the kidney biopsy , and has found that part of the acute nephritis patients can develop into chronic nephritis. Some patients even if clinical symptoms have disappeared , and was considered to have been cured by biopsy , you can still see the inflammation persists and can develop chronic . Statistics based on a set of cases , pediatric patients 10 years of age , to chronic accounted for 2 % to 14% , 20% become chronic adult to 30 %. And found where the slow onset , in the acute phase of nephrotic syndrome, hypertension, long duration , serum anti-streptolysin "O" is not high titer who transformed into a high percentage of chronic nephritis . In recent years, also found that HLA system HLAA10, A2, BW35 , such as type , are prone to chronic after suffering from acute nephritis.

