
Pelvis beside cyst - laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery for renal pelvic cyst next to the surgeon's technical requirements, we should note the following:
( 1 ) the relationship between preoperative cyst location, size , number and with peripheral vascular , renal collecting system
; ( 2 ) Due to parapelvic cyst near the renal hilum , separated parapelvic cysts should be careful ; laparoscopic renal vein and inferior vena cava wall of dark blue , similar to the top of the cyst , attention should be identified , careful operation , avoid kidney damage vascular pedicle ;
( 3 ) If the cyst and the expansion of the renal pelvis can be difficult to distinguish when squeezed pelvis , pelvis becomes empty, the cyst did not change , it could be given before surgery followed by cystoscopic retrograde ureteral catheter inserted for guidance , intraoperative injection of methylene blue , identifying cysts and pelvis, and whether pelvis incision ; further guidance on laparoscopic puncture pale yellow liquid verifiable cyst ;
( 4 ) should be resected from the substance of the wall 3 ~ 4mm, so as not to cause renal bleeding is difficult to control ;
( 5 ) anatomy encountered poor visibility , variability , bleeding should be promptly converted to open surgery
; ( 6 ) the renal pelvis in the door next to fat filled cysts may further prevent recurrence ;
( 7 ) after abdominal anatomy urologists familiar with unilateral renal pelvic cyst can be next after retroperitoneal approach , bilateral cysts can be processed simultaneously by the intraperitoneal route , give full play to its advantages of minimally invasive . Laparoscopic treatment of parapelvic cyst safe, reliable, fully embodies the advantages of minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. With the growing popularity of laparoscopic techniques and the development of laparoscopic cyst cyst will become the preferred method of treatment parapelvic .

