
What kidney dialysis patient's diet should pay attention to?

Dialysis therapy is based on the "membrane balance" principle semipermeable membrane , the electrolyte and the use of a certain concentration in the dialysate and the accumulation of metabolites in the blood , water and glucose in the electrolyte to penetrate the exchange , so as to achieve the purpose of treatment . Multi-use hemodialysis ( also known as the artificial kidney ) and peritoneal dialysis patients in two clinical methods for renal failure . Application of the general condition of patients after dialysis can be improved, but to lose some nutrients , including amino acids , inorganic salts, water-soluble vitamins lost more . There have been reports in vivo hemodialysis for 12 hours is equivalent to 4.79 grams of protein amino acids is missing , one can lose protein PD 25 - 40 grams, and therefore should be timely with diet therapy for deployment . Most dialysis patients with symptomatic improvement , increased appetite, decreased blood urea nitrogen , so the food supply should be aware of the following characteristics:
    1 Protein : Where periodic hemodialysis patient 's daily dietary intake of at least 50 grams ( 0.75 to 1.0 grams per kilogram of body weight ) , if carried out 30 hours a week hemodialysis , general dietary protein per kilogram of body weight daily supply of 1.0 g or 1.2 g to maintain nitrogen balance. Peritoneal dialysis patients per kilogram of body weight of up to 1.2 - 1.5 g , where high-quality protein should account for 50 % - 70 %. Choose milk, eggs and other animal protein fish .
    . Least 2 oil low cholesterol diet : dialysis often have hyperlipidemia , atherosclerosis should be controlled in order to prevent aggravating dietary fat cholesterol.
    3 , potassium , sodium, calcium, phosphorus : should be adjusted at any time according to the results of blood and urine tests . Average daily sodium limit of 1,500 - 2,000 mg , is a low-salt diet. Oliguria should be strictly controlled. Potassium potassium and urine generally depends less than 1,300 milligrams daily , phosphorus should be maintained at 4.5 - 5.0 mg / dl level, such as phosphorus also control high phosphorus foods high in cereal legumes and Also note that calcium supplements to prevent calcium decline.
    4 Water-soluble vitamins : except through dietary intake , the oral drug can supplement such as vitamin B2, folic acid, pyridoxine , and ascorbic acid .
    5 based on the amount of liquid urine and dialysis access times to maintain a balance , not less than 1000 ml per day .

