
Living donor kidney transplants knowledge introduction

What is a living donor kidney transplant ?

Currently, kidney transplantation and live donor kidney transplantation of cadaveric renal transplant two kinds. Living donor kidney transplant from a donor kidney is the body with life . Generally, a properly functioning kidneys sufficient to meet normal physiological needs of the body , so for healthy people to donate a kidney will not affect future life. Living donor kidney is a dedication , a great price. Kidney donors gave their lives to save the patient 's kidneys , preferring to undergo a painful surgery , this noble spirit of sacrifice is worth admiration.

Why living donor kidney transplant ?

Living donor kidney is one of the effective ways to promote internationally in recent years to solve the donor shortage .

Compared with cadaveric renal transplantation, living donor kidney transplantation has the following advantages :

1 can be affected by the needs and physical condition reasonable arrangements operative time , do not due to the long wait for a donor transplant lost opportunity .

2 living donor kidney has a good physical condition , hot and cold ischemic time is short, the quality is higher than cadaveric donor kidney.

3 before transplantation of donor blood transfusion .

4 Preoperative have enough time to do a detailed inspection before transplantation immunity , including mixed lymphocyte culture and detailed crossmatch tests. Blood relatives with kidney tissue adaptation rate, tissue compatibility , significantly reduced renal graft rejection reaction .

5 reduce the amount of immunosuppressive drugs after surgery , not only to reduce the financial burden on patients , but also reduces the side effects of drugs on the body .

In short, the living donor kidney transplant success rate is high , less rejection , fewer complications , and its people / graft survival rate was significantly higher than cadaveric renal transplantation, and to alleviate the problem of a serious shortage of cadaveric donor kidney , should be vigorously promoted .

How to choose a live donor kidney ?

Living donor kidney transplantation is usually divided relatives and other volunteers live donor kidney categories to choose related kidney better. Choosing a suitable donor kidney transplant is the key for the relatives . Recipient 's parents , brothers, sisters and spouses can be used as a candidate donor . Among them, among identical twins compatriots is the best, followed by fraternal twins , siblings, parents and blood relatives . For those 18-65 years of age in general , given the current situation of family planning , multi- donor kidney relatives from their parents , age may be relaxed . General requirements for physical health, emotional stability , voluntary donor kidney , normal blood pressure , no diabetes, kidney disease , cardiovascular disease, infectious disease , hepatitis , cancer and other medical history .

Preoperative improve various laboratory tests for kidney donors for a comprehensive examination of the urinary system , kidneys and retained for understanding the function of the kidneys . Excretory urography disease and find out if there is obstruction, renal arteriography clear trunk and branches of the renal artery morphology and walk the line , Select single kidneys . If the conditions can first DSA, such as multi- root revascularization for renal arteriography . In most cases the choice for those who left kidney ; If the donor is a woman , then the choice of the right kidney is appropriate.

