
Crescentic glomerulonephritis - Prognosis

If patients receive timely diagnosis and early intensive treatment , the prognosis can be significantly improved. Early intensive treatment can be eased in some patients avoid or from dialysis , and even a small number of patients with renal function was fully restored.
If the diagnosis is not timely, did not receive intensive treatment early , within a few weeks to more than half of patients progress to irreversible renal failure. The main factors affecting prognosis are: ① immunopathology Type : Ⅲ type is better, worse type I , type Ⅱ center ; ② intensive treatment is timely : no clinical oliguria, serum creatinine <530g muscle ol / L, yet display a wide range of pathological irreversible lesions ( fibrous crescents , glomerular sclerosis or interstitial fibrosis ) , that is the beginning of treatment the prognosis is good , otherwise poor prognosis ; ③ relatively poor prognosis in elderly patients .
Long-term remission of the disease outcome , to gradually develop into a chronic degenerative and chronic renal failure is more common, so special attention should take measures to protect residual renal function, and delay disease progression and chronic ' renal failure . Some patients may maintain long-term remission. Only a small number of patients ( type Ⅲ common ) can recur , repeat biopsy if necessary , intensive treatment can still be effective in some patients .

