
How reasonable adjustments polycystic kidney dialysis patients diet?

Polycystic kidney dialysis patients diet quality directly affects the quality of a patient 's nutritional status , and therefore , dialysis patients to grasp knowledge about diet , pay attention to caloric intake and a variety of nutrients . Specifically should do the following:
    Polycystic kidney dialysis patients diet quality directly affects the quality of a patient 's nutritional status , and therefore , dialysis patients to grasp knowledge about diet , pay attention to caloric intake and a variety of nutrients . Specifically should do the following:
    ( 1 ) protein intake : protein intake in uremic patients not on dialysis is 0.8g / (kg · d), and after hemodialysis protein intake should be 1.29 / (k9 · d), of which 50 % of high biological value protein , BUN before each hemodialysis should reach 26.8mmol / L, body weight maintained at the desired level. Peritoneal dialysis , protein intake should be 1.2 ~ 1.5g / (kg · d), serum BUN should reach 28.6mmol / L.
    ( 2 ) the total energy intake include: protein, fat and sugar , the general dialysis patients calorie intake should be 96.3 ~ ll. 3u / ( boat · d). Wherein the thermal energy provided by the sugar should be 55% to 60% of total calories , and a complex carbohydrate -based ( such as fibers, polysaccharides, etc. ) ; calories from fat does not exceed 30% , in which the saturated fatty acids does not exceed 10% o
    ( 3 ) water and sodium intake : normal daily sodium intake of about 2 ~ 6g, dialysis patients should , as the case may be. There are residual renal function , daily urine output over 1L, can be mild water restriction (<2L / d), sodium restriction (<3 ~ 4g / d), while diuretics ; without hematuria patients should limit water penetration ( < 1L / d), sodium restriction (<2g / d), the control period is less than 5% weight gain dialysis dry weight . Peritoneal dialysis patients can continue to remove moisture , if UF is better, should be limited to water (<2L / d), sodium restriction (<3 ~ 4g / d). If ultrafiltration badly, water restrictions limit sodium in hemodialysis patients with no urine o
    ( 4 ) potassium calcium and phosphorus intake : renal failure due to the excretion of potassium , phosphorus and vitamin D converted row functional limitations or disappear , so hemodialysis patients should potassium, phosphorus, calcium diet and supplemented with appropriate activity vitamin D; dialysis patients due to potassium dialysate does not often cause hypokalemia, potassium event in a timely manner .
    ( 5 ) vitamin intake : dialysis may lose water-soluble vitamins , so Ronc and put forward all dialysis patients must supplement of folic acid and B vitamins, vitamin-rich diet foods to choose , to reduce the incidence of anemia and cardiovascular disease.
    In short , despite polycystic kidney dialysis patients are more dietary restrictions , but should be adjusted according to the patient's compliance, complications , economic conditions and dietary habits, and try to make individualized.

