
Renal osteodystrophy - Classification and Definitions

The bone conversion rate , renal osteodystrophy can be divided into 4 types .
One, known as osteitis to hyperparathyroidism , osteoblasts , osteoclasts active proliferation and fibrosis is characterized by trabecular bone surrounding the high turnover bone disease pathology.
Second, the low conversion includes two types of bone disease osteomalacia and non- dynamic bone disease. The former refers to the newly formed osteoid mineralization defects , often caused by aluminum deposition. The latter phalanx formation decreased more with hypercalcemia, using 1,25 (OH) D3 suppress excessive PTH secretion and diabetes and other factors.
Third, the mixed bone disease also has a high conversion and low conversion characteristics of bone disease , is caused by hyperparathyroidism and bone mineralization obstacles to increased osteoid and marrow fibrosis is characterized by the coexistence of bone fluctuating conversion rates .
Four , β2- microglobulin amyloidosis Edit this paragraph osteoarthritis symptoms of renal osteodystrophy bone
Renal osteodystrophy be slow , when it is already late onset of symptoms , and the clinical to bone pain , fractures , bone deformation as the main feature . One of the symptoms of sudden pain , often systemic , occur in discreet parts of the lower body ( waist, back , hip, knee ) , movement or pressure increase, can not even get up to walk shaking . Pathological fractures , mainly in the ribs, but also other parts of the external force caused due to a slight fracture . More common in low -and accept the transfer of glucocorticoid therapy in renal transplant patients , high transport -type rare. Adult prone vertebrae , thoracic and pelvic distortion , caused by height in patients with severe shortening and ventilation barriers called back person syndrome, can occur in children with growth delay.

