
Oliguria - Prevention

Proper prevention oliguria
(1) has caused significant edema oliguria should strictly limit the amount of water into the salt and sodium are sometimes limited to 0.5 to 1 g / day
(2) severe edema oliguria should limit physical activity because rest can reduce energy consumption increased renal blood flow and thus increase the amount of urine
(3) avoid eating raw fruits quit alcohol Jichi hardened fatty fried foods
(4) Eat light and dampness sweet and sour vegetables such as celery, garlic, ginger, melon, carrot, etc.
(5) if accompanied by renal dysfunction should reduce protein intake less urine therapeutic side:
1 gourd shell melon skin peel 30 grams, 50 grams of red dates 10 gram of water and cook until 150 ml 400 ml serving soup to the residue
2 shoots Chen scoop each 100 grams of melon skin 150 grams decoction apply urination

