
Children with nephrotic syndrome - relapse

Children's use of hormone therapy is very easy to relapse, relapse once you have re- use of hormone therapy , this way is certainly not conducive to the development of a large number of hormonal children ! Below to tell you about how to prevent the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome in children !
Prevent recurrence of nephrotic syndrome in children :
Hypertension is a major complication of nephrotic syndrome , the monitoring of blood pressure , low-salt diet is very important. For protein , a lot of people think that since there is proteinuria , the body will certainly lose a certain amount of protein , so be sure to add protein , eat more protein foods. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. If renal proteinuria compared to a leaky kettle , pour more inside , more powerful kettle leak . Kidney , too, eat more protein , more heavy burden on the kidneys , if you limit the intake of protein , will reduce the burden on the kidneys , the gradual recovery of renal function.
It is estimated that each egg contains 7 to 8 grams protein , 250 ml milk contains 7 grams protein , a two lean protein containing 7 g . Try not recommended fat meat, seafood must be fresh , but also to limit , do not eat cold food, like ice cream, raw food, especially in summer, so as not to cause diarrhea, caused by disease recurrence. Best to eat spicy food , if the cause of pharyngitis , can lead to disease recurrence.
Experts stressed that the movement of the body , the kidneys also is movement, only adhere to exercise, really conducive to the recovery of the disease. As long as the body allows , you do whatever things of life should be the law , can not stay up late.

