
The clinical diagnosis of gouty nephropathy What?

Gout is a metabolic disease is closely related to life. Modern living standards, eating and drinking is the norm , I do not know much about diet and gout onset of eating , making the increasing cases of gout attacks . Gout recur after repeated attacks , involving multiple joints and lead to joint deformity , and even can cause severe kidney damage , eventually leading to gouty nephropathy , therefore , timely diagnosis is one of the first principles of cure of the disease, so gout What are the main nephropathy of common inspection items ?

The clinical diagnosis of gouty nephropathy What ?

1 routine inspection

( 1 ) blood: blood cells increased, often 10 × 109 --- 20 × 109 / L, may have mild to moderate anemia ;
( 2 ) Urine: may have proteinuria, hematuria , pyuria , occasionally urinary tube , PH <6.0;
( 3 ) blood biochemical examination :
① vast majority of elevated serum uric acid ( men > 416μmol / l; women > 357μmol / l)
② uric acid : excretion > 74.1mmol / d;
③ ESR: faster , but often <60mm / h;
④ renal function : Late to decline.

2 , auxiliary examination

( 1 ) gout nodules : specific urate can be found ;
( 2 ) synovia : intra-articular puncture examination showed urate crystals ;
(3) X line : mixed urinary stones can display shadows ;
(4) B super : renal visible light group , followed by the visible comet tail sign , ureteral stones and hydronephrosis ;
( 5 ) biopsy : Find Anti refractive needle urate crystals in the renal interstitium and tubules can be confirmed.

