
Polycystic kidney dialysis can penetrate many years

Polycystic kidney dialysis can penetrate many years . Medicine showed that commonly causes uremia were sugar kidney, hypertensive nephropathy , glomerulonephritis chronic nephritis, polycystic kidney disease , etc., and those suffering from kidney disease and hypertension Tangshen mostly elderly, in our country need to be only dialysis or kidney transplant patients with end-stage uremia have more than 130 million people, is the artificial kidney dialysis , dialysis is that people say , simply, that the blood in the body lead to a dialysis machine , the blood toxic metabolic waste and then returned to the eradication of the body, so that the dialysis machine replaces the function of the kidneys to eradicate toxins . Polycystic kidney disease with uremia rehabilitation expert guest (http://ndz.shen99.com/) explain such " polycystic kidney dialysis " diet common sense. Detailed " polycystic kidney dialysis can penetrate many years ' relevant content see the following.

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. Polycystic kidney dialysis can penetrate many years . .

Polycystic kidney dialysis can penetrate many years , through many years of dialysis can . "Treatment of uremic * What is the good way ," and so are the majority of patients with problems , kidney disease hospital for a brief introduction " treatment of uremia * What is a good way to " cure uremia * What is a good way ? Uremia can cure Why ? chronic kidney disease has become the " invisible killer" one of the world * terrible , but as long as less than 5 percent of the world's public to understand the location and function of the kidneys , the risks of illness is poorly understood. According to data provided by the Chinese Society of Nephrology show , the rate of chronic kidney disease by 10% . Due to the extreme powerful metabolic function of the kidneys , even the loss of kidney function has been more than 50% of kidney patients still may not have any symptoms, coupled with kidney disease patients due to lack of knowledge on prevention and treatment of kidney disease , until the first time to the hospital when the disease is often found to have final . According to statistics , the global chronic kidney disease caused by the final number of patients with advanced renal failure is growing at an annual growth rate of 8% , there are currently 1.5 million people rely on beyond dialysis and kidney transplant to survive. Therefore , various early chronic kidney disease, renal function should be spared aggressive treatment to emerge with injury ; once already with renal damage , renal function should be actively maintained in order to escape or delay the emergence of uremia ; undertaken to uremia should seize suitable opportunities uremia . Aggressive treatment of chronic kidney disease , the key is to eradicate the origin of uremia . Many chronic kidney disease, if not active treatment, and more can cause chronic renal insufficiency. On the one hand chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease , etc. can cause uremia , a lot of people think that drug treatment of glomerulonephritis poor or do not need medication, the current practice of some new treatments or drugs for kidney small ball nephritis have better results. The other hand, diabetes, hypertension , lupus, hyperuricemia and gout has become a common cause of uremia , drew enough attention to the needs , must pay attention to the situation in the treatment of kidney disease in those processes . Various common kidney disease such as nephrotic syndrome, hiding nephritis, nephritis , lupus nephritis (Ipusnephretis, LN), each with its own pathological types , and each type of pathology have mild, moderate and severe points ; About mild to moderate fluctuations pathology , treatment is more pessimistic , most can be treated ; rather severe fluctuations in the treatment of difficult pathology , disease easily repeated , but after positive Chinese and Western medicine treatment of separation , many patients arrive improved or stable or able to do. So once had kidney disease, do not panic , thinking that an incurable illness , prosecutors should be early and early treatment for a speedy recovery . Maintain kidney function, immune or delay the emergence of uremia . The following measures have a clear role in the maintenance of kidney , should have experience under the guidance of specialist physicians correctly applied . Limiting, proper diet protein ; ideal control high blood pressure , and apply extra medication to reduce blood pressure in the kidneys ; correction of anemia , diabetes control , treatment of hyperlipidemia and hyperuricemia and gout ; prevent the application of nephrotoxic drugs ; prevention of various infection.

