
PD can live?

There are many kidney dialysis patients are not able to correctly recognize the potential hazards of dialysis treatment . So for these kidney patients, the choice of treatment must be repeatedly carefully to minimize the opportunity to receive dialysis . So long-term dialysis patients with kidney disease What are the dangers ? Let our hospital specialists to find out more answers.
1 , dependence
Long-term kidney dialysis , will produce dependence. Dialysis treatment is only an auxiliary tool on the kidneys , but can ease the pain as soon as possible and not be able to dig up the roots , and for a long time dialysis, the body will produce dependence , a long time will have side effects on the human body .
2 , complications
Kidney dialysis can save lives, but can not cure . Dialysis timely rapid detox toxins, complications can be many and serious dialysis after the passage of time will be life crisis .
3 , delay treatment
Kidney dialysis delay treatment , missed treatment opportunities. If after dialysis, kidney will no longer be used to start slowly , over time will be completely destroyed, at that time there is no way of re-treatment and repair it.
4 , kidney loss
Kidney dialysis causes gradual loss of kidney . If you rely solely on the long-term patients to dialysis, only because of the long-term kidney function will not shrink , scrap, and after dialysis no longer fertile .

