
There are daily kidney "coup"! ! !

Kidney disease recur after a cold spring
Chronic kidney disease often relapse in the spring , is a major cause of colds and allergies. This is due to the cold kidney disease , reducing the body 's resistance, resulting in other bacterial invasion , causing secondary bacterial infection , further weakening the patient's resistance , through a series of reactions caused by immune complex glomerulonephritis , made ​​it worse ; for patients with renal insufficiency may even lead to uremia. Thus , patients with kidney disease must prevent colds spring , once found himself appear as the cold has edema, hematuria and other symptoms must rush to a doctor.
Second Thursday of March each year is World Kidney Day , this year's theme is " to protect the kidneys , heart salvation ." This is because the heart and kidneys are a pair of " loser" , kidney disease will worsen heart disease , and heart risks may manifest themselves in the form of kidney disease. In this regard, experts have warned that when the kidneys no " to force" , but also to guard against the joint attack with heart disease.
Kidney mostly " eat out"

Kidneys regulate body water balance , but also expelled from the body of metabolites and toxic substances, regulate electrolyte and acid-base balance, plays an important role in regulating life activities . With the improvement of the material conditions of life and work , people too little physical activity , and eating too many carbohydrates, fats , salt , etc. , plus a variety of infectious hepatitis, tuberculosis , abuse of painkillers , antibiotics and other drugs , leading to kidney disease patients increased. Also, due to changes in lifestyle , making diabetes, hypertension , high cholesterol, high uric acid , high incidence of obesity and other diseases , but also contributed to the increased incidence of kidney disease .
Cardiovascular very bad kidney injury
Inseparable relationship between the heart and kidneys , kidneys and even be regarded as part of the circulatory system can be synthesized by a variety of active substances , regulating cardiovascular function and metabolism . Therefore, kidney dysfunction, cardiovascular often " being damaged " vicious circle ring formation . Poor kidney function or kidney will affect at least three areas in the cardiovascular system : first , the impact of cardiac power , resulting in a heartbeat , weakness, abnormal ; Second , the impact of the quality of blood , so that the amount of blood even more, heart and brain still missing blood hypoxia ; third , accelerate the speed of atherosclerosis , vascular aging fast. Many patients with renal failure before entering the period , they premature death from cardiovascular disease.
    Protect the kidneys from three aspects to start
Healthy eating and drinking is simply eat less greasy fat , eat more fresh vegetables ; edema , hypertension symptoms, light salt should be controlled at about 2 g daily ; kidney patients to strictly control the intake of protein , depending on protein in the urine how much discretion , and generally to 20  30 grams per day is appropriate, the choice of quality protein such as milk , eggs, meat , etc. ; eat foods rich in B vitamins , vitamin C and iron foods such as animal liver , egg yolk, tomatoes , carrots, sweet potatoes, oranges and so on.
Appropriate to drink pee in the bladder does not hold for too long it is easy to breed bacteria , bacterial infection is likely through the ureters to the kidneys. Full day to drink, do not hold back , so that the occurrence of kidney stones is not easy .
Even without regular checkups are the key symptoms generally require a screening urine, renal function annually. If you already have high blood pressure , diabetes , etc., should be regularly checked more urine, kidney function and other projects twice a year.

