
There may be a child's face swollen kidney disease, kidney disease facial swelling

Facial swelling kidney disease, in general, long-term use of hormone treatment of kidney disease can produce many side effects, sometimes quite serious. Resulting in high resolution protein hormone status may aggravate azotemia , prompting increased blood uric acid , gout and aggravate induced renal dysfunction . Large doses can sometimes aggravate high blood pressure , heart failure trigger . When hormone application may be obvious symptoms of infection , are particularly vulnerable to delays in diagnosis , so that the spread of infection . Long-term use of hormones may exacerbate the disease bone disease , and even aseptic avascular necrosis of the femoral neck . Symptomatic treatment is the most critical , the use of sweat detoxification is very effective if the body pores open , with the sweat excretion of toxins from the kidneys as much , so lowering the blood of toxins in the human body to improve the environment , the remnants of the renal units and other dirty is protected. The exhaust , defecation increased , indicating that patients Stomach recovery , " one of the Stomach , leaving one of life " , the patient vitality restored, righteousness and evil liter drop .

Facial swelling kidney disease, edema is a typical symptom of kidney disease , and some relatively careless parents to see the child's face edema often casually . Expert tips to treat a child 's face puffy bound to be cautious , and this situation may be a precursor to kidney disease.

Facial swelling nephropathy , Chen Tsai little baby B weekdays lively, but recently always lazy sedentary , even his favorite video games also can not wake his interest. Grandmother to mother to complain : It seems like any grudges with meals , how to transform patterns do , he just looked at , say, eat two full. Mom closer look at B Aberdeen, found that he had piercing eyes a little puffy , bloated too little finger , feel right, then to the hospital for treatment. A check , originally nephropathy. The doctor said , fortunately caught early , the disease is fairly light .

Facial swelling kidney disease, it is understood generally slow onset of sick children , children with fatigue, listlessness, loss of appetite . Often first appeared edema , facial eyelid began , gradually and body , and more highly simple nephrotic edema , shiatsu skin was depressed , severe involving serous cavities , pleural effusion , ascites, hydrocele and scrotal edema , which can lead breathing difficulties, diarrhea or vomiting.

Kidney facial swelling , edema occurs repeatedly , even can subside on their own . Nephritis, nephrotic edema was significantly better than simple nephrotic syndrome , can also be very light , even imperceptible . Hypoalbuminemia caused by malnutrition and developmental retardation , showed no wing hair , dry skin, rash and rub between prone to ulcers, fingers, toes pale, looking not Chinese , lips pale white fur, fatigue , lack of exercise in children , reactions apathy, prone to infection .

Kidney facial swelling , swelling of the face if the parents found the child bound to hurry to the hospital for examination, including doing blood, urine , renal B- , renal function tests , combined with clinical symptoms to the initial diagnosis . Once diagnosed with kidney disease , it should be the fastest to the hospital the doctors.

Facial swelling kidney disease, children are the future of the family, any little mistake can not be out . Found to have similar symptoms puffy face , no matter how busy parents should find time to go to the hospital to consult , not to accept checks . Be careful not always wrong , if that's missing some of the timing of treatment to destroy the child's life.

Facial swelling kidney disease, kidney disease improper treatment is not complete, may result in nephrotic syndrome . May lead to anemia, high blood pressure , edema, precursor backache . In addition , the results of the inflammatory response may also produce antibodies, lead to kidney failure and peripheral organ lesions.

