
Nephritis diet recipe is what

Nephritis patients more and more, a method of treating nephritis is gradually increasing, but still used in traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods more with fewer side effects , and we all know what diet nephritis remedies do ? Address this problem we all want to know we take a look at the article 's description of it .

The following are the experts on what diet remedies nephritis introduction.

1 ) carp, black carp take a 1-1.5 kilograms , washed laparotomy intestinal mixed , with Wong cementing , put charcoal in the calcined baking , as soon as the white smoke out, leave to cool, powder is scattered. Three times a day , each time 2 tablespoons warm water , served as one , avoid salt . The party eliminate edema better. For cold Fanfei acute nephritis , triple burner qi stagnation and spleen deficiency nephritis , moisture spread type .

2 ) Corn, Corn 100 grams , add water 1000 ml , boiling for 20-30 minutes , boiled 300-400 ml of liquid , after filtration , the daily 2 pm service . The party is suitable for taking high blood pressure and edema , acute nephritis can be used to heat the wind Yu Lung , poisoning caused Accumulation type of kidney or liver and chronic nephritis , liver yang .

3 ) ebony, ebony charcoal, daily 3 g , 2 times service . Serving seven , eight weeks . The side effects of the elimination of urine protein is still good , can be used for spleen and kidney deficiency nephritis , essence and blood deficiency type , which is a common therapeutic nephritis remedies .

Nephritis diet recipe

4 ) Chine , Chine is the best diuretics . With fresh Chine 60 g ( dry 30 g ) decoction frequency service. Suitable for edema, hematuria patients. Wind and heat can be used in acute nephritis Yu Lung , poisoning caused Accumulation Type . Hot meat poison attack , spleen and kidney yang yin blood burns and chronic nephritis , moisture spread type .

5 ) black sesame seeds, black sesame fried after powder , sugar boiled water. Can be used for chronic nephritis disease for a long roadway Deficiency person.

6 ) melon , melon 500 grams , soup bowl 3 , 3 service points . Hot Yu Lung , and poisoning caused by toxic heat Accumulation Type the attack for acute nephritis wind, overcast burns blood , this recipe is very useful therapeutic nephritis hope you timely treatment of nephritis .

7 ) significant edema , decreased urine output who should eat carrots, melon , gourd, bean , beans , fish , bamboo shoots , watermelon strong diuretic effect of the goods ; urine red blood cells who should eat shepherd's purse , eggplant , peanuts hemostatic effect of benevolence, rhizome , lotus and other things even sections ; nephritis accompanied by high blood pressure , should eat jellyfish , celery, spinach , tomatoes, the ear , fresh corn , water chestnuts and other antihypertensive effect of food .

By telling the above , I believe we should understand what diet remedies nephritis , once we have found the symptoms of nephritis , we hope this approach should prompt treatment of nephritis , allowing the patient to get rid of injuries diseases.

