
Uremia early prevention and early treatment of kidney disease

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Uremia early prevention and early treatment of kidney disease
Source: Unknown Date :2012 -03-31 08:03 Hits : 142
Early treatment of kidney disease , in general, long-term use of hormone treatment of kidney disease can produce many side effects, sometimes quite serious. Resulting in high resolution protein hormone status may aggravate azotemia , prompting increased blood uric acid , gout and aggravate induced renal dysfunction . Large doses can sometimes aggravate high blood pressure , heart failure trigger . When hormone application may be obvious symptoms of infection , are particularly vulnerable to delays in diagnosis , so that the spread of infection . Long-term use of hormones may exacerbate the disease bone disease , and even aseptic avascular necrosis of the femoral neck . Symptomatic treatment is the most critical , the use of sweat detoxification is very effective if the body pores open , with the sweat excretion of toxins from the kidneys as much , so lowering the blood of toxins in the human body to improve the environment , the remnants of the renal units and other dirty is protected. The exhaust , defecation increased , indicating that patients Stomach recovery , " one of the Stomach , leaving one of life " , the patient vitality restored, righteousness and evil liter drop .

Early treatment of kidney disease , for uremia, we are bound to do a good job early preventive measures , which can effectively control the incidence . Here to introduce preventive measures early next uremia , I hope everyone can help.

Early symptoms of uremia preventive measures prevent uremia add more water , the amount of water supplied in accordance with the condition .

Early treatment of kidney disease , of course , the majority of patients with chronic kidney disease , uremia patients , since every patient in the clinical symptoms demonstrated by the degree of progression of the disease , nephropathy type is different, so the treatment are also differences on their own medication, diet attention to other issues, can not be generalized .

A limit foods containing high amounts of cadmium .

Early treatment of kidney disease , has been found in the general household goods and some chemical elements are associated with acute and chronic kidney disease , which is the prevention of uremic to note . Just read the product description , and more to take some precautions to avoid these is cho harmful substances . This rare metal used in the production of pesticides , rubber tires and plastics, coatings and other products. Due to wide industrial use of cadmium , has a wide range of land and water found in some foods . Attention is drawn to the following points : Limit intake of foods containing high amounts of cadmium , such as food from animals made ​​from the liver and kidney , halibut , mussels, scallops, oysters and oyster in the sludge -grown vegetables ; make sure to painting and craft paint , dye, sodium porcelain contain cadmium ; Do not use antique cooking utensils , because coated with cadmium pigments made ​​from these appliances .

2 low- protein diet.

Early treatment of kidney disease , the choice of custard foods: Because eating less protein , and therefore should try to use a higher nutritional value of eggs, milk and other animal protein foods , and less soy and other plant proteins. Uremic patients should be given a low -protein diet , a normal adult needs per kilogram of body weight to 1.5 grams protein , 0.5 grams of uremic patients can only eat / kg to reduce the generation and retention in the body mass of nitrogen metabolites .

Early treatment of kidney disease , kidney disease is a common , easy to diagnose difficult to treat . Therefore only recognize the early symptoms of kidney disease , in order to ensure early detection and early treatment , so you stay away from kidney problems. Kidney patients can not give up on themselves , take part in outdoor activities, maintain an optimistic attitude .

