
Diabetic nephropathy has several major clinical symptoms

1 , high blood pressure : In type 1 diabetic patients without nephropathy prevalence of hypertension did not increase compared to normal people with type 2 diabetes and hypertension are more , but if the proportion of elevated blood pressure proteinuria , there is nephrotic syndrome patients with hypertension, this mostly moderate hypertension , a few severe.

2 , proteinuria : no clinical proteinuria early diabetic nephropathy , only by radioimmunoassay method to detect microalbuminuria . Clinical symptoms of diabetic nephropathy is albuminuria , proteinuria gradually progress from intermittent persistent .

3 , edema : early clinical diabetic nephropathy generally no edema , a small number of patients before lowering plasma protein , may have mild edema. If proteinuria , plasma protein is low, edema , mostly symptoms of advanced diabetic nephropathy.

4 , anemia : There are significant azotemia in patients with diabetic nephropathy , diabetic nephropathy may have symptoms of mild to moderate anemia. Anemia is a disorder of red blood cells are born with iron therapy.

5 , renal dysfunction : abnormal interval change from proteinuria appears to renal great, if diabetes is well manipulation, may not occur for many years proteinuria and kidney dysfunction . If manipulation is not good, it will gradually worsened renal insufficiency . This is also a common symptom of diabetic nephropathy.

6 , renal failure : a great difference in the speed of progression of diabetic nephropathy. Some patients with mild proteinuria sustainable for many years, but with normal renal function , urinary protein rarely some patients may progress rapidly nephrotic syndrome, progressive deterioration of renal function , and ultimately uremia . This is also a common symptom of diabetic nephropathy.

