
Nephritis friends try not to use painkillers Why?

Nephritis patients need careful use of painkillers in the country, second only to sales of anti-infective drugs painkillers , ranked second . Experts said painkillers should not be used indiscriminately, because their own painkillers can cause nephritis.

The results of a survey of self- medication for chronic pain patients habits showed that about several tens of percent of chronic pain patients are using their own painkillers. There are dozens of percent of people pain, and other symptoms when cold medicines on their own treatment , the drug is most often bought painkillers . In China , sales of painkillers amazing , only one city of Jinan , the monthly sales of more than twenty thousand boxes must painkillers . Rough projections, the national annual sales in retail pharmacies have on painkillers million boxes . In this regard, experts said , the abuse of painkillers great harm , such as , may lead to nephritis, should be used with caution. Luanchi potentially dangerous painkillers exist, a lot of people did not think of. The first is the gastrointestinal tract irritation. Aspirin , indomethacin and other drugs may stimulate the gastric mucosa , causing severe gastrointestinal reactions , induced gastric ulcers, stomach bleeding and even perforation . If at the time of eating calcium while taking painkillers, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract will be greatly increased .

Followed lead to kidney damage. Since painkillers inhibit prostaglandin synthesis , it may cause chronic interstitial nephritis, renal papillary necrosis, renal insufficiency . Lead to blood diseases . Taking painkillers can lead to long-term neutropenia, aplastic anemia and other causes . May induce cardiovascular diseases. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a statement saying the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have the potential cardiovascular risks. Psychological dependence. Long-term use will inevitably have painkillers produce psychological dependence , increased patient anxiety , leading to " eat the more the greater the dose ," " drugs leave the body ," and so on.

