
What is the invisible killer of kidney failure

What is the invisible killer of kidney failure ? In many cases the disease because the symptoms are not obvious , it will aggravate renal disease patients on such as chronic renal failure, often do not show symptoms , the patient's condition would worsen found . The following is easily overlooked in patients with renal disease , patients want to correct note that only patients with a proper understanding of the disease , in order to enable patients to better get rid of kidney problems, and enjoy the good life and happiness. Here invisible killer of kidney failure on a brief introduction :

1 fracture:

Kidney failure resulted regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism active vitamin D3 reduced patients prone to fracture.

2 nosebleeds :

Renal failure leading to blood coagulation dysfunction , patients often cause nosebleeds .

3 Anemia:

Renal failure leading to reduced erythropoietin , patients will have the whole body fatigue and other symptoms of anemia .

4 uremic encephalopathy :

Patients with kidney failure occurs when the body can not clear due to toxicity , resulting in damage to the central nervous system , causing hallucinations , convulsions , seizures , aphasia and other symptoms.

5 male " female " oriented :

Renal failure, the kidneys can not be inactivated when the body's estrogen, many male patients will be breast enlargement , reduction of body hair feminization symptoms.

6 Low blood sugar :

When the kidneys can not effectively inactivated in vivo insulin kidney failure , high blood sugar and some had symptoms of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients will .

