
High protein urine of pregnant women how it was

Pregnancy is a very happy moment for every woman , but a pregnant woman will be relatively weaker physique , and some pregnant women will be checked when the phenomenon of high urine protein , a lot of people are baffled. So, high protein urine of pregnant women is how it happened? Following on from the experts we conducted a detailed answer to this problem now !
Compared to normal pregnant women , the chance of urinary protein appears to be much larger , but many pregnant women in the face of this situation , I do not know how else high protein urine of pregnant women . In this case, we want to know how high protein urine of pregnant women going on ? Urine of pregnant women is due to the high protein caused by a urinary tract infection , it is necessary to know.
After understanding that some pregnant women often have high urinary protein phenomenon , then the urine of pregnant women high protein how it happened? Fact , pregnant women are generally high urine protein urinary tract infection, the available rich in phytonutrients , anti- oxidant food to nourish the immune conditioning immune system function , improve immunity, help the body resist the invasion of cells and viruses , remove body waste toxins and restore health .
Pregnant women may also be said that in itself may be suffering from occult nephritis , a situation of pregnant women there is a certain risk , has little effect on the fetus. Recommended that patients should first check a 24 urine protein, protein in the end to see how much , if severe , in a stable situation, you can do further checks under the child sir.
Clear how high protein urine of pregnant women going after pregnancy must be closely observing blood pressure, renal function and urinary protein diet must be light, salt , not tired , more intake of quality protein , the better to avoid the edible protein , beans products ( although soy nutrition is high, but for the patient 's urine protein is not fit for human consumption ) if there is an emergency situation, it may need to interrupt the pregnancy at any time .

