
Diet to restore to get rid of glomerulonephritis

Glomerulonephritis of the immune response to some pathogenic factors induced autoimmune inflammatory disease. Common due to β -hemolytic streptococcus , viruses, bacterial infections , but not viral or bacterial infection of the kidneys or damage directly , but these infections are caused by the body's immune response to glomerular inflammatory response . Glomerulonephritis generally referred to as nephritis, acute , rapidly progressive and chronic nephritis points. Acute nephritis, acute onset, short duration , hematuria , proteinuria , oliguria even azotemia , edema and hypertension as the main symptom ; rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis and acute nephritis clinical manifestations are similar, but severe symptoms ; course of chronic nephritis long , many have varying degrees of renal dysfunction, proteinuria , microscopic hematuria , edema , hypertension and other symptoms , patients with advanced renal failure may occur .
( A ) diet principles
1 protein intake should be based on the disease. If the patient has renal insufficiency, when azotemia , protein intake should be limited , such as urea nitrogen than 60mg%, the daily protein supply intake of 0.5 grams of body weight in kilograms , and the use of milk, eggs, high biological value protein, in order to reduce the burden of renal interstitial nitrogen excretion ; if severe renal insufficiency , azotemia when required to further reduce protein intake , in order to reduce the intake of essential amino acids African staple food used instead of corn starch, arrowroot flour , wheat starch, etc. staple ; absence of the above conditions or the condition improves , you can gradually increase the protein intake , the daily supply of protein per kilogram of body weight to 1 gram.
2 carbohydrate and fat intake , generally do not add restrictions . To ensure an adequate supply of heat .
3 patients with symptoms of edema and hypertension should be in accordance with the condition were used less salt , no salt or less sodium foods. Refers to the daily salt intake of less than 3 grams of salt ; unsalted means daily diet without salt, nor eat food containing salt ; eat less sodium dietary sodium is the maximum daily amount does not exceed 1000 mg , addition salt , the sodium is high ( such as alkali ) should be controlled food .
4 patients with oliguric hyperkalemia continued to avoid the high potassium content of foods, such as fruits and a variety of juices .
5 . Ensure rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C food supply , especially fresh vegetables and fruits should try to eat more .

(B ) Example recipes
Acute glomerulonephritis Recipes: Breakfast: wheat starch bread ( wheat starch 50 g ) milk 200 ml , 20 gram honey meal : 100 g banana Lunch: rice ( rice, 100 g ) tomato scrambled eggs ( 100 g tomatoes , eggs 50 g ) Fried canola ( rapeseed 100 g ) snacks: red lotus root starch ( arrowroot flour 50 g ) dinner: wheat starch dough sheet ( 100 g wheat starch , meat 30 g ) mixed with spinach ( spinach 100 grams , 10 grams fans , shrimp 10 g ) all day all day cooking oil 20 grams heat 7909 kJ ( 1883 kcal ) or so.
( C) the food choice points
1 food choices , should help alleviate the burden on the kidneys and eliminate or mitigate its symptoms, mainly based on the degree of proteinuria and azotemia situation may be, taking into account the patient's edema, hypertension and other conditions .
2 Regardless how much protein quantity supplied , the supply of high quality protein should be sufficient attention .
3 wheat starch is nephritis patients commonly used foods, after wheat flour , add water and dough , add water repeatedly rub , after which the slurry was precipitated available wheat starch , wheat starch instead of wheat flour processing a variety of foods , such as bread, pasta , dough sheet , pancakes , steamed buns, dumplings , eating wheat starch foods, allows patients to reduce non- quality protein intake , to reduce the burden on the kidneys purposes.

