
How to control the salt and water in patients with nephritis

Salt is the body to maintain physiological activity indispensable material , if people lack of salt intake in normal life , causes the body to function is greatly compromised. But as nephritis patients, with treatment period, patients with severe nephritis want to ban salt , mild nephritis patients to a low sodium diet , control salt intake , water intake should also be made to control. So how nephritis patients should be the reasonable control of sodium and water intake of it ?
Nephritis patients control the salt , there are two cases, one is a salt-free diet , the other is a low-salt diet. If it is acute nephritis patients need no salt diet ; If acute exacerbation of chronic nephritis , patients with symptoms of edema and hypertension , also have salt or salt -free diet . The reason is that renal excretion is impaired in patients with nephritis , increased extracellular sodium , osmotic pressure , this time to absorb and retain water , the water molecules between the cell retention, leading to edema . Thus , acute nephritis patients should no salt or low-salt diet to avoid an increase in extracellular fluid sodium , retain moisture so that increased blood volume , increased blood pressure condition.

Salt and water are always accompanied , salt accumulation in the human body will be accompanied by water retention , on the contrary , will reduce the loss of part of the water salinity , when nephritis patients with significant symptoms of edema , but also limit the amount of drinking water . If the patient does not appear edema , there is no need to limit the intake of water in order to avoid causing decreased urine output can not be discharged in vivo metabolites cause damage to the body with the urine .
When salt-free diet , can not cook with salt or soy sauce, do not eat pickles , seafood, food, daily food sodium content should be limited to less than 0.5 to 1.0 grams. In addition, patients do not eat bread baking soda or alkali and snacks , these foods are high in sodium ingredients. Low-salt diet is applicable to patients with mild nephritis , like edema obvious, slightly higher than in patients with normal blood pressure levels , you can put less salt when cooking, controlled at 3-5 grams is appropriate .
If the condition nephritis patients improved to normal salt intake can , but need a little up the process , should be light better, do not eat salty foods. If patients feel bland diet , do sweet and sour , sour food to improve taste and appetite .

