
Indications and contraindications

1, acute renal failure or acute kidney injury (ARF or AKI)

How to choose the timing of peritoneal dialysis , manner and dialysis dose , should be considered based on clinical status and biochemical parameters of patients.

2 , end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

Due to ESRD (1) a variety of causes .

( 2 ) creatinine clearance (Ccr) or estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of less than 10 ~ 15ml/min; diabetes Ccr or eGFR ≤ 15 ml / min;

( 3 ) uremic symptoms , even if does not meet the above values ​​, but also consider starting peritoneal dialysis.

( 4 ) If the drug appears difficult to correct acute left ventricular failure , metabolic acidosis or severe electrolyte imbalance, dialysis should begin early

3 , acute drug intoxication and poison

Adapted to the peritoneum can remove drugs and toxins , or despite the toxicological effects are unknown, but the clinical needs of patients with a variety of poisoning may choose peritoneal dialysis . Especially for oral poisoning , gastrointestinal drugs or poisons at high concentrations, or the presence of drugs or poisons enterohepatic circulation ; or intolerant patients with severe poisoning cardiopulmonary bypass , peritoneal dialysis treatment has its own unique advantages .

4 , water, electrolyte and acid-base balance

When medicine can not be corrected for water and electrolyte and acid-base balance , choose peritoneal dialysis .

5, other

Medical or drug treatment is difficult to correct the following conditions :

( 1 ) congestive heart failure

( 2 ) severe acute pancreatitis

( 3 ) severe hyperbilirubinemia

( 4 ) hyperuricemia

An absolute contraindication

( 1 ) peritoneal adhesions or fibrosis.

( 2 ) after abdominal surgery can cause serious or peritoneal peritoneal defect.

( 3 ) can not repair the hernia surgery .

2, relative contraindications

(1) Within three days of abdominal surgery , abdominal surgical drainage tube set there .

( 2 ) there are limitations abdominal inflammatory lesions .

( 3 ) intestinal obstruction.

( 4 ) abdominal hernia is not repaired.

( 5 ) severe inflammatory bowel disease or ischemic .

( 6 ) late pregnancy , abdominal tumors and huge huge polycystic kidney disease .

( 7 ) severe pulmonary insufficiency .

( 8 ) severe abdominal skin infections.

( 9 ) Long-term protein and calorie intake due to severe malnutrition .

( 10 ) Severe catabolism by .

( 11 ) sclerosing peritonitis.

( 12 ) uncooperative or mentally ill.

( 13 ) are obese .

