
What kidney complications have water hazards?

What kidney complications have water hazards ? The incidence of hydronephrosis , when a patient has a headache and their families about what harm it hydronephrosis , hydronephrosis what would cause some complications yet. To solve these problems is to our hospital experts to solve it:

Complications hydronephrosis cause great harm to people , seriously affecting the lives of people around the patient and their complications and dangers resulting hydronephrosis experts described as follows:

A patient suffering from urinary tract infections easily

What kidney complications have water hazards ? Stopped due to stagnation of urine in the kidney and ureter resulting in vivo bacterial growth , reproduction, and thus easily concurrent pyelonephritis, or renal symptoms go far sides .

Second, renal atrophy

Experts say the incidence of renal atrophy is also a cause of renal water . As the pressure increases urinary row blocked kidney , renal vascular pressure will lead to renal ischemic atrophy , or even destroy , this case is undoubtedly impaired renal function . Patients with more severe cases loss of kidney function becomes large pouch . Kidney tissue atrophy in patients with mild hydronephrosis is generally difficult to repair it.

Third, kidney stones

Kidney stones and hydronephrosis are often interacting stones with hydronephrosis hydronephrosis induced stone formation , the two reinforce each other .

What kidney complications have water hazards ? Hydronephrosis after all, what harm ? Depending on the performance of the incidence of hydronephrosis , hydronephrosis symptoms appear there will be differences. But one can not ignore the health hazards of hydronephrosis .

One of hazards: lead to kidney stones. Bacterial infection , necrotic tissue cells may become a significant core of stone formation .

Hazard II: cause renal atrophy. When a patient is symptomatic mild hydronephrosis , pyelonephritis form after unblocking the patient may recover , but severe hydrocephalus friends renal tissue atrophy in patients estimated to be difficult to repair .

Three hazards : Due to the patient's renal parenchyma is thin , but the kidney can lead to excessive tension traumatic rupture, increasing the likelihood of acute peritonitis .

