
What are the predisposing factors of diabetic nephropathy

First, genetic factors: the majority of patients with diabetes do not occur ultimate kidney disease, some long-term good glycemic manipulation can occur in patients with diabetic nephropathy same. Glucose transporter proteins is a major transporter of glucose on mesangial cells

Second, high-protein diet exacerbates diabetic nephropathy: diabetes due to a severe limiting, carbohydrate intake. The high protein fiber food supply-based. Trade-off. Resulting protein products of decomposition and phosphorus load transition and accumulation. Further exacerbating the pathological damage of diabetic nephropathy.

Third, the impact of hypertension: Diabetes patients because lipid metabolism disorders. Atherosclerosis and many other reasons. A large number of patients with hypertension. These patients can be seen in almost urine protein. Generally indicate kidney damage.

Fourth, high blood sugar: glucose increased long-term transition. Can be caused by increased capillary permeability. Plasma protein extravasation. Cause capillary basement membrane damage. Glomerulosclerosis and renal tissue atrophy.

