
Kidney diet cooking methods

In addition to kidney patients need to pay attention to a variety of nutrients and minerals intake , proper cooking will help to achieve the desired therapeutic effect of diet , here are some methods for reference:
First, to reduce the potassium is hyperkalemia in patients with uremia recurrent problem , because the ability of the kidneys to reduce the excretion of potassium , so these patients need low potassium diet , specifically as follows :
1, first soaked in a lot of green leafy vegetables in water more than half an hour, then discard the water , then put in a lot of water hot.
2 , as with potassium qualitative root vegetables such as sweet potatoes , potatoes , etc. , should be peeled, sliced, after immersion in water and cook .
3, with boiled vegetables and soups are potassium- quality , and melon soup , such as zucchini , melon , etc. contained potassium is lower than the vegetable soup .
4 , canned fruits and vegetables in the manufacturing and processing to reduce the potassium content .
5 , salt substitutes on the market and no salt soy sauce contains a lot of potassium, kidney disease should not be used .
Second, to reduce the sodium intake of sodium more kidney patients will aggravate edema , elevated blood pressure is not easy to control, the renal dialysis patients increased water intake ( thirst )
1 , seasonings should be mainly light , reducing the use of high- sodium condiments such as salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate , oyster sauce and a variety of sauces.
2, to avoid selection of high salt ingredients such as pickled mustard , pickles , mustard and so on.
3 , buy canned vegetables, should be selected with clean water system , because sodium is much lower quality than the saline component products .
4 , try some of the following multi- sodium condiments , increase food delicious . Suggestions: pepper , vinegar, wine , allspice , pepper , star anise, vanilla , orange peel, mustard , spring onion, ginger , garlic, coriander , pepper , lemon juice , lime juice .
Third, to avoid thirst methods
1 , avoid using marinated ingredients and high- salt seasoning
2, add a slice of lemon or mint leaves in a drink made ​​of ice in the drinks section , in the mouth and thirst have a better effect . For patients with a daily intake of only a small amount of fluid , this approach helps conserve drinking fluids .
3 , chewing gum
4 , avoid drinking tea and espresso
Fifth, as the same time suffering from diabetes , hyperlipidemia gastronomy
1, can be limited to a small amount of sugar or use sugar substitutes flavored sugar substitute is not available , but the high temperature cooking , because due to the heat and reduce the sweetness .
2 , sugary foods such as soft drinks, candy, sweet pastries and canned fruit ( syrup ), etc. still need to avoid eating . You can sugar substitute soft drinks, candy and chewing gum instead.
3 , regular quantitative starchy foods to eat , as the main source of heat.
4 , avoid eating high-sugar foods cholesterol , can be a small amount of vegetable oil instead.
5 , an increase of cellulose
◆ Eat more vegetables, but pay attention to the proper cooking to reduce potassium .
◆ If phosphorus is too high, shall be limited to eating whole grains , such as oatmeal, breakfast cereals and so on.
◆ the amount of land to the quality or low potassium in potassium fruit for snacks.
 6 , such as high blood fat , you should choose some to less oil and more ways of cooking dishes such as steamed , braised, boiled , etc.

