
Kidney disease associated with mental disorders


Pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated, there are several theories.

1 blood-brain barrier, said barrier during dialysis blood urea nitrogen concentration in the sharp decline in brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid and blood urea nitrogen decreased slowly, CSF osmolality higher than the osmotic pressure of blood, eventually causing increased intracranial pressure and cerebral edema and mental obstacles. According to the study Prill predialysis urea in the cerebrospinal fluid of 85% to 95% of blood urea, urea in CSF dialysis blood urea is 200%.

2 Other precipitating factors

(A) physical complications: As atherosclerosis, heart and liver disease can occur and cause increased mental disorders.

(2) electrolyte imbalance: the level of sodium, potassium decreased, dehydration, reduce the amount of blood circulation, blood pressure changes, etc. have a certain influence.

(3) Aluminum savings: renal failure was reported. Especially dialysis encephalopathy and dementia status with aluminum poisoning.

(4) psychological factors: Due to receive long-term psychological stress prone to depression, anxiety, fear, worry and other emotions, which in turn trigger mental disorders.

