
Hydronephrosis can not eat what?

A therapeutic side hydronephrosis :
1 barley porridge
Material : Yiyiren the 30g, one hundred grams of rice. Porridge with water , or food every day. Splenomegaly water.
Effects: kidney disease, edema showed enough temperament , hydronephrosis patients , loss of appetite, loose stools each .
Two blue light basil soup
Material : light blue 3-5 segments, basil leaves 10 grams , rice LOOG. First rice porridge, when you become a leaf , cover and cook for a while to join the blue basil, hot food should be served daily . Swelling yang water.
Role: spleen deficiency, see edema in patients with hydronephrosis .
3 ) stew melon
Material : melon ( including housing ) 200 g , 1 tablespoon sugar. Wash melon cubes, sugar pot, add a little water , a small fire stew cooked.
Role: water swelling, detoxify . For partial heat nephritis edema, hydronephrosis patients.
4 ) Mulberry porridge
Material : 50 g chopped mulberry mulberry porridge , add water 1000 ml , 0500 ml Zhuqu , residue, add rice milk , diet, do not eat intermittent
Effects: the treatment of refractory chronic nephritis edema, patients hydronephrosis .
5 ) chicken soup mother
Ingredients: old hen ( gutted ) 1, adding astragalus , dried tangerine peel 15g, Amomum 6g, 15 g Ginger skin, hawthorn 30g, beef soup.
Effect : the treatment of chronic nephritis edema, patients hydronephrosis .

