
4 Big Diet Myths shouted kidney injury can not afford

Misunderstanding , drink "bone soup" can keep calcium
Chronic nephritis patients with weak institutional relatively ordinary people , and so many patients abnormal calcium or phosphorus metabolism . Manifestations of hypocalcemia hyperphosphatemia . Because patients affected by gastrointestinal function and hyperparathyroidism , reducing the absorption of calcium in the intestines , nephritis patients usually manifested hypocalcemia . Meanwhile, the row of phosphorus decreases and endocrine disorders, and therefore there is a high phosphorus status of the patient . Bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink soup bones ingested large amounts of phosphorus , resulting in the accumulation of phosphorus in the body , increasing the hyperphosphatemia . So , drink soup bones can not only improve calcium deficiency , and elevated serum phosphorus will increase due to the renal damage .
Myth , through hunger and protect renal function
Many patients believe that hunger can protect renal function , that some patients using " starvation diet ." In clinical diet due to chronic nephritis patients overemphasis many patients misunderstanding of animal protein . As the staple food and animal protein unduly restricted , patients are often malnourished , with a " starvation diet " , more emphasis on malnutrition, resulting in decreased body resistance and hypoproteinemia, anemia , and easy to infection , worse , lead to renal failure. Therefore, the " starvation diet " can not protect renal function , chronic nephritis patients must not " defy the law ."

Myth , vegetarian protein -free
Chronic nephritis , renal failure patients due to a reduced ability to metabolize the kidney , the main body of toxins such as urea nitrogen , creatinine accumulate in the body , causing damage to the body , and these toxins are the product of protein metabolism , and therefore patients with chronic renal failure should be emphasized that the low volume high- protein diet . Some patients believe that non-vegetarian protein , so long-term vegetarian . In fact, this is a misunderstanding of food proteins. Food proteins from both plant protein and animal protein, although most plant protein content than low animal protein , but the protein content of the daily staples such as rice , flour 8% -9% , protein content of legumes and soy products can be more than 20 %, due to lower vegetable protein containing essential amino acids, and high potassium content , and therefore not suitable for chronic renal failure patients. The animal protein containing essential amino acids greater than 50 %, so patients with chronic renal failure Moderate consumption of essential amino acids with high animal protein . Such as milk , eggs , fish, meat and so on. Total daily intake of protein should be a rough estimate based on the degree of impairment of renal function , to control the intake of vegetable protein , vegetable protein should not be used with high- beans and soy products.
Myth , without salt or salt substitute with autumn stone
We all know that salt and edema has a direct relationship , there are many patients with chronic nephritis particularly care for edible salt , not even salt , resulting in hyponatremia, low serum chloride , muscle cramps, low blood pressure , low blood volume , orthostatic hypotension. Salt restriction chronic nephritis hypertension , edema, oliguria , renal failure patients is necessary, in order to avoid excessive sodium and water retention , increased edema and hypertension , but not salt salt restriction does not mean , unless required to strictly limit the height of edema even salt water restrictions , generally low-salt diet should be taken for proper control even oliguria into the water . Therefore, patients with chronic nephritis salt intake should be , as the case may be, by a doctor , excessive fear of salt is not necessary , some patients with a fall of stone instead of salt is not desirable.

