
Diagnosis and examination of kidney stones

Just to see the typical clinical renal colic ( spasmodic bouts of low back pain ) , physicians will consider the possibility of kidney stones. To establish the diagnosis , you need X -rays and many other tests, in order to know the location of the stones , the size and severity of the affected kidney. Ultrasound can be seen in the presence or absence of hydronephrosis ( obstruction of urine caused by kidney edema ) . Approximately 5-10 % of stones probably because calcium is not high , when X-rays can not see , but can be seen with ultrasound .
The most common kidney stones in patients with abdominal X-ray photographs called KUB, because it covers according to the kidneys (Kidneys), ureter (Ureters) and bladder (Bladder). Might do next IVP (IVP), is from the intravenous injection of a contrast agent , it via the kidneys , urinary system can make the whole more clearly . Computed tomography is the most accurate instrument to check kidney stones .

KUB image shows the left side of the patient lose duct stones .
Related tests include :
General examination of urine and urine sediment microscopic examination , you can see that there is no urine , urine protein , urine , crystals , bacteria, etc. .
Urine culture can identify whether there is infection. Stone itself can become a breeding ground for bacteria , so it is often associated with urinary tract infections.
Blood tests : full blood count if found high white blood cell count may indicate infection, but also blood tests of renal function and serum calcium concentrations.
Stay 24 hours urine, determination of calcium oxalate and phosphate daily volume discharged .

