
What are the dangers of hydronephrosis

Discharge of urine from the kidney is blocked, stagnation in the kidney called hydronephrosis . Occur in the kidney, ureter obstruction of the upper urinary tract obstruction ; occur in the bladder , said the following lower urinary tract obstruction. The higher the position of the obstruction , the more severe renal impairment .
Of causes urinary tract obstruction is multifaceted . Stenosis of the renal pelvis and ureter junction abnormalities, or renal pelvis , ureter cancer, stones, tuberculosis , polyps of the common cause of urinary tract obstruction . Bladder cancer, stones, urethral stricture as benign prostatic hyperplasia and lower urinary tract obstruction main lesions.
Normal pelvis capacity of 10 to 15 ml, was bell -shaped calyx opening . When the pelvis increased capacity , more than 20 ml , the renal pelvis dilatation , calyx bell disappeared as an early manifestation of hydronephrosis . According to the water and how much , is divided into mild, moderate and severe hydrocephalus , but not clearly defined criteria. If hydronephrosis up to 1000 ml or more, most of renal parenchymal atrophy, thinning of giant hydronephrosis . Hydronephrosis diagnosis is not difficult , but the cause of hydrocephalus caused by B- need to check CT, renal venography , retrograde pyelography , cystoscopy or ureteropelvic microscope can be confirmed.
1 , renal atrophy is caused major damage hydronephrosis . Since urine is blocked, pelvis expanded renal pressure increases renal vascular pressure, resulting in ischemic renal atrophy , damage, renal damage. Severe kidney becomes non-functional large pouch . Mild hydronephrosis , when the relief of obstruction , renal pelvis shape can be recovered , and severe hydronephrosis, renal tissue atrophy is difficult to repair.
2 , urinary tract infection. As the saying goes , water does not rot . Stopped due to stagnation of urine in the kidney, ureter , conducive to bacterial growth and reproduction , complicated pyelonephritis, ureter , cystitis or kidney Yandeng around .
3 , stone formation. Urinary tract stones blocking concurrent hydronephrosis ; hydronephrosis and stone formation induced by both reinforce each other, bacterial infection , pus ball , necrotic tissue cells become the core of stone formation . Especially within the urinary infection precipitated salt crystals piled into stone.
4 , giant hydronephrosis . Thin due to renal parenchyma , renal tension is too large , easy to cause traumatic or spontaneous rupture tension rupture, acute peritonitis , a serious threat to life safety .

